

  • Hi! I know the feeling. I have been at 182 since July, really frustrated. So, I decided to try my fitness pal to track everything that goes in my mouth, plus exercise, weigh in is Friday for me, after 1 week. So I am hoping the scale moves......... I started out at 209, this month has been 1 year, so, I have kinda been…
  • Hi, New to myfitnesspal, just this wee. I have lost 28 lbs, prior to joining this site, I am looking to lose 17 to 20 lbs more. I am logging food and exercise to keep me accountable, I have been stuck on the scale for more than 4 months now. So looking to change that
  • Thanks for the post, Glad to hear from other vegetarians. Here is my recent creation: I recently did a layered salad, with instant brown rice microwave type, canned black beans drained, frozen corn microwave type, bag of spring lettuce, with mango pico de gallo, avocado slices, didn't need any dressing, you can vary it by…