

  • You have to report her to the doctor or your states' board of nursing. No choice.
  • Ditto on this! I am not waiting another minute. I got on the scale this morning after many christmas treats and I was mortified. No gimmicks, no pills. no nonsense. Healthy food and exercise. The good old-fashioned way. I am new to this site but it seems great. I will be checking in again real soon.
  • 1. My fat clothes are too tight. 2. I had to go to the plus sizes. 3. I had to have a heart cath. I saw a picture of myself!!! UGHHHHHH
  • It may seem more expensive but just think of the money you will save on doctor visits and medicines that you won't need because you are eating healthy!!!
  • You need to report her. It is not too late. She must really be desperate to do this and needs help. I am a nurse as well and I know that the nursing board will give her a chance to go to rehab before they take her license away. In my state, you can report it without telling them your name if that makes it easier.