

  • I am also at a plateau for at least a year. I give up every now and then and today I was ready to go on a binge and decided to read the message board instead. So I guess I will get myself going to Curves and see if I feel better when I come home
  • Your right I could of paid the a gym for year with all the money I spent on supplements.
  • I am also a sugar addition --one candy bar and I am off for the day. I have been eating a lot of greek yogurt for treats, but you have to be careful of which ones you pick, I like Dannon 80 calorie, I think it is one of the lowest in calories
  • Sorry about all the post, is was my first time using it. I did have a light dinner and today is a new day and a new start. Being able to write things down helps. Hope everyone feels better today.
  • I also binged today. But I figure out my calories and I will make something low in calories but filling tonight. White egg and Mornings...
  • I also binged today.. I check my calories and will make something low calorie tonight. I am never hungry when I binge. I did work a lot of overtime and went to gym everynight. So I was tried and the scale isn't moving. But a binge isn't going to help has anyone tried Green Coffee Bean supplement
  • I also binged today. But I figure out my calories and I will make something low in calories but filling tonight. White egg and Morningstar Sausage --I worked a lot of overtime and then went to gym and I was really tired today. I wasn't hungry --I am never hungry when I binge.