

  • I have cut out as much artificial sugars, pastas, breads and alcohol as possiable, I found out for myself doing this helps a great amount. I have added as much fruit , veggies and lean protein as possiable. Also stay away from box dinners and read your lables not just the nutritonal values but the actual ingredients, the…
  • If im hungry I do but I use them as a buffer more or less.:glasses:
  • Tampa Florida ya'll. I can't believe how many people do this all over the world , it's kinnda cool!
  • I would say, read the ingredents, that is the best way possiable for me. There are so many fillers that companies put in food that are on the lable that most people dont relize what they are, like ( suclarose) which is a modified sugar syrup.Besides vitamins and calories label really read what is in your food know where it…
  • Good luck! Im tryn to loose 50, right there with ya!!!
  • I just joined as well , lots of cardio, and following the calorie meter here is pretty good at making you relize what you can and can't eat. Good luck....
  • First off, good job on your weight loss. It is hard especially when the closest people to you don't understand or conferm your hard work. I know we all look for comfort and the good job speech. To bad the real world is not always like that. I have always been a positve as one person can be, but I have had friends and also…
  • Remember food fuels your body. The more you work out the more you need to eat, I know it's a bit diffrent for a guy, when I saw my calories I'd need to take in I have to admit there was a bit of fear the same thought went through my head! Amazingly at the end of the day I feel great. Hope this helps :D
  • I have always been a liberal drinker, never early mornings. Day time, nite time, weekdays, weekends. I have never really had any rules, mostly because I am a chef. In our industry is not all glitz and glamour. It's hard work long hours and alot of stress so after a shift all you think about is cold beer and being in the…