COShelly Member


  • Thank you everyone. You all really got me thinking about what I can do. Yesterday I had an apple and a cheese stick as a snack, but I still wanted the pretzels, dang it! Well, I sent the remainder dang pretzels to work with hubby today so no more temptation... I've got a protein bar with me today and we have dinner planned…
  • From experience, I know it's difficult. I've been at the same weight for 4 months and the scale has started to creep back up. It's no fun. My suggestion to you would be the following: Take your measurements and pay attention to the way your clothes are fitting vice the number on the scale. If you're working out as much as…
  • I totally could use some friends for motivation. I started 3 weeks ago and have GAINED 5 lbs! LOL I need some vocal assistance! Please add me as a friend!
  • I was 186 on Sunday. Weighed in yesterday at 183.8. I need to take measurements.
  • Hi, my name is Shelly and I live in Colorado. I'm 43 and I have a life long struggle with weight gain and weight loss. I joined last year and got frustrated when the scale wasn't moving. I stopped journaling and gained another 15 lbs, YUCK! I know some of it was due to stress of my hubby being deployed along with some…
  • So, I've lost 14 lbs and have 20 to lose, which puts me in this category, especially since i've been plateauing. I'm dang frustrated and just decided to rejoin MFP for a change up. Would you have me in this group?!
  • Wow, first of all congrats on your commitment to wanting to get the weight off! I am sort of in the same boat. Working out hard and watching my calorie intake (my suggested calorie intake on MFP is 1200). My gut tells me that I need to start taking in more calories (the right kind) and I am eating back my exercise…