losing1tdb Member


  • JUST FOR TODAY - Saturday 2/10 *Drink at least 64oz of water *Log all food *Stay within 10% of target macros *Increase steps to at least 6000 per day *Increase floors climbed to at least 10 per day *Study at least 30 min *Task: Get all laundry done & put clothes back into closet
  • Just found this thread as I was searching for help with accountability. I feel like I've been on and off the wagon so many times it's ridiculous. I started 2018 at 232 #'s at 5'5" with about 50% BF according to FitBit scale. Those numbers have not changed in the last 40 days. I have no idea what my measurements are or…
  • Real Name: Theresa Height 5'5" HW: 235 CW: 218 GW: 155 UGW: 135 Location: SE Wisconsin, USA Age: 43 Sex: F 1 awesome fiancé and 2 dogs as of 11/9/14 3.5 weeks into low carb woe and loving it.
  • I don't have to be gluten free just wheat free. That being said sometimes its just easier for me to look for gluten free on containers. If you want to add me feel free but know that I'm not strictly gluten free. I work with a nutritionist who has provided some really great recommendations so you might want to consult with…
  • Good luck & feel free to add me if you like.
  • Morning! I know where you're coming from & have done the same thing. Feel free to add me if you like. I'm just getting back into it too & could use the extra accountability myself. Theresa
  • I'm with you! Signed up a couple months ago, did great for a while then fell off the wagon. Took a "weekend" off for my birthday & never got back on...until today. Time to jump start this process again! Good luck to you!
  • What helps me with hunger pains at night is to make sure I'm getting a good amount of protein in at dinner time & making sure I get plenty of water through out the day. Sometimes I just have to find a distraction from the hunger & sometimes I'll get ready for bed a little early (brush teeth) that way I won't want to eat…
  • Not sure where you live, but look for or start a small running group. I find I'm more successful & care less what other think when running with a group. I joined a couch to 5k program in mid-January & yesterday I ran 3 miles non-stop for the first time in my life (41 y/o). Best part about being in a group is the…