glitter67 Member


  • Hi there... Welcome to MFP... Feel free to add me if u like :) Alison x
  • Hiya hun, and thank you :) One thing that I've noticed (and I'm sure you know what I mean after losing 20lb) is how much better I feel already.. If I feel like this after losing 34lb, what am I gonna feel like after another 34lb.. and then another 34lb after that!! I'm 45 now Rav and I'd love to be 24 again like you.. Keep…
  • Hi there... 34 pound lost so far but another 100 to go!! Feel free to add me if you like.. Alison x
  • Hi Rav. Well done on your 20 pound loss.. It's not easy losing weight but we know it has to be done.. I've lost 34 pound so far and have at least another 100 pound to go so I'm in it for the long haul if you want some support!! Feel free to add me. Alison x
  • Hi there.. I also had 2 C sections and big babies.. If I'm honest I'm worried sick about the loose skin I'm probably gonna have when I reach my goal :( but I'll have to deal with that when the time comes... I've lost 34 pound so far but still have about another 100 pound to go so I'll be here for a while to give and…
  • Hiya...I joined in October last year and am very happy with the results so far... MFP is a great site and like you said keeps you on track during the day... Good luck and feel free to add me as a friend if you like :)