pitgirl28 Member


  • Thank you SO MUCH everyone for your kind words!!! And advice!!! Can anyone reccomend good HIGH protein foods?? I'm sort of a picky eater but I am trying new things... found out today I am NOT a fan of hummus LOL
  • 1. I will visit amusements parks on enjoy every roller coaster they have witout fear of fittig. 2. I will lead an excellent examplry lifestye for my children. 3. I won't feel out of place working in cardiology - it's hard to tell people they need to lose weight when you are over 300 lbs! 4. I will LOVE shopping. (Although…
  • Hello Girls!!! My name is Jamie and I'm 28 years old from Ephrata, PA. I'm the mother to THREE beautiful children - my oldest daughter is almost 9 and my twins Karleigh and Westin are almost ONE! I'm so blessed to have them in my life! However, I have been heavy my entire life, but what I wouldn't give to be the size I was…