iamamalia Member


  • first nutrisystem meal: breakfast - blueberry muffin. it was okay - not sure how it'll compare to the other foods, but it was decent flavor-wise (although it didn't taste much like blueberries), but the texture was pretty dense/rubbery.
  • so glad to see this! just got my first shipment and am starting next week :)
  • i'll be starting monday! just got my first shipment :o
  • P28 bread... 130 calories in a slice (I know it's pretty high)... but 14 grams of protein. I usually cut the slice in half and make small sandwiches. it's not easy to find in stores - wegmans does carry it (all wegmans locations carry p28 bread and bagels and wraps), so I lucked out. not sure if any other grocery chains…
  • between the HR monitor, the sleep tracker, and the silent alarms - the charge HR has become my bff. love this thing, and can't wait to get the charge2. the challenges with friends are fun, it's cool to see your resting heart rate drop as you get more fit, I love that it syncs with MFP, too. the call alerts (and text alerts…
  • this exact issue is the main reason why I haven't been able to successfully stay on track with logging in the past. guesstimating and approximating has always caused me anxiety in the past (OCD is no fun), but this time I'm doing my best to let it go and only commit myself to logging to the best of my ability. hoping it…
  • I'm a 38K... would love suggestions as well. I loved a specific bra from Curvy Kate, but it's been discontinued. for sports bras, I squeeze myself into an H-cup from Lane Bryant (Cacique)... not the most comfortable thing in the world, but I haven't been able to find a good full-coverage sportsbra with underwire
  • I'm in the PCOS club too :( I went off my metformin because I got tired of the nausea/diarrhea all day every day. I keep thinking i'll give it another shot, but keep putting it off. here's to starting this journey for the bazillionth time... was successful a few years ago (dropped 60lb), but stress and lack of sleep and…
  • I've stopped and started more times than I'd like to admit over the last few years. managed to go from 270 down to about 210 a few years ago, then hormonal issues, PCOS, and stress layered the pounds back on. ...here's to trying again... SW/ CW: 260 GW: 180 feel free to add me!
  • good luck and let us know how it goes! i got off schedule last week because of a crazy weekend full of disaster after disaster, but i finally completed week 1 day 3 tonight... i'm a little scared of starting week 2- i dont think i can run for a full 90 seconds yet!
  • great job everyone- your progress is so motivating! i got off schedule this week due to a few unexpected diasters over the weekend, but i completed week 1 day 3 tonight... and it felt awesome! i can't believe i'm really on my way to running a 5k :o
  • week 1 day 2 completed.. phew! it was cold and dark but im glad i got my butt in motion and did it. feels so good after!
  • did W1 D2 tonight... i still struggled but i feel so accomplished for making my way through :)
  • hopefully resting over the weekend will get you ready for week 3! congrats on signing up for the 3k on new years- and good luck! keep us updated on how it goes!
  • i definitely struggled through week 1 day 1, and will probably have a hard time when i do week 1 day 2 later tonight.... but it felt so good afterwards to know that i did it without stopping. mini victories lol... hopefully it well get easier as our bodies get used to running
  • i just started this yesterday- outside in the frigid nj cold! it was rough for me, but i finished it! i used the stopwatch feature on my watch and it was it was a little difficult to coordinate... i searched the web last night and found some C25K podcasts which i will be using for week 1 day 2 tomorrow- they give you cues…
  • thanks for the welcomes everyone :) can't wait to track the rest of this adventure with you all!
  • so glad i found this site and this thread... i just started c25k today and have a feeling i'm going to need motivation! my coworkers and i are running a 5k in february... yikes! im just beginning my weight loss journey, and am hoping this program will help :) just completed W1 D1 outside, in the cold....ready for day 2!…