

  • Well technically he could, but it would involve some illegal substance with some bad side effects
  • For a more scientific answer : Fat cells, scientifically called adipose tissue, store excess energy as tryglycerids. Those tryglycerids can be used by the body as fuel with a metabolical pathway called beta-oxydation, which converts the tryglycerids into acetyl-coa which can then enter the Kreb's cycle (this is the primary…
  • You need to realize that muscle does not "burn" more calories than fat does (weird isn'it... fat cells are quite metabolicaly active). BUT, weight training does help with losing weight (in short, it has to do with your body trying to repair those muscle and the hormonal response to weight lifting). Cardio also help burn…
  • And why would the egg be so much better than the 38g of carbs that the hamburger have ? Eggs have a lot of cholesterol. if you have trouble metabolizing cholesterol, egg could very well be one of the worst thing for you... And anyways, why is carbs so bad ? May I remind all of you that the primary fuel of your body are…
  • Like basednick said, protein is denatured (change the molecular shape of the protein). This change in shape of the protein makes absolutely no difference to the nutritional value of the protein. Anyways, the acidity of your stomach is way more denaturing the protein that the heat does, and your body needs to break the…
  • Lots of myth with aspartame. It is one, if not the most studied ingested chemicals, and no study could ever clearly demonstrate that it is harmful to the human body in concentration that is ingested (key word : concentration THAT IS INGESTED, not 10000x times the concentration that you would drink in a lifetime). As for…
  • Guys, what works for someone could very well not work for another. Everyone has different digestive enzymes or bacterial flora in their intestine. Being regular doesn't change the fact that it could very well be fiber that cause you to fart like a gas machine. Maybe fiber isn't the cause of your fart too though. Take home…
  • Could be many things. 1st thing i'd check is your diet. Some people tend to fart more when eating food that their body have trouble digesting (common cause of this are dairy product. Missing enzymes or enzymes not as active as they should be). High protein diet makes a lot of people fart too. Or you could be heavenly…
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