

  • how do you plan on loosing weight?
  • well at that age, you are still growing, your hormones are just starting to settle especially if your a girl
  • aha, im 18 and in my first year of university. and its really still there, if you aren't a certain size, noone gives you another look, we get made fun of just for the outside of us. i feel like if we don't support eachother here, noone will.
  • its hard not to compare when your a teenager and you dont fit into whats acceptable in society. for an 18 year old, ive been told i have a mind of an older person. i personally believe that i should be comfortable in my own skin, how i am and to be happy becaues this is how im supposed to be, but if i think realisticly, i…
  • Hey, im 18 and im currently in University, trying my hardest not to gain freshman 15, but clearly failing at it. being far away from home and living on my own means, late night, late mornings, binge eating, unhealthy eating. im mostly doing this because i feel really uncomfortable in my own skin and i have noone to express…