@Francesca3162 - 35
Me too. Fat isn't bad for you.
Ha ha ha ha! Nice reply. :-)
That was awesome and well said. :-)
Hi Jessa. You have a nice smile and beautiful eyes.
Exactly. There's no way you could be actually dropping 10lbs in 3 days without most of it being water weight. Quoting Dr. Gundry: "Weight off fast won't last. Weight off slow, you're good to go."
I love that! I drink a green smoothie every morning. I may start to drink it right out of the blender now too (one less glass to wash). :-)
You are basically following Dr. Gundry's "Diet Evolution" guidelines. This is how I eat too. Veggies, meat, nuts, with a tiny sprinkling of fruit. It works for me and my body fat percentage is going down while I maintain my muscle mass, have very high energy levels and no sugar/carb cravings. It's pretty great!
You can definitely do it! You have a commitment to yourself and to your life beyond the thoughts of "I can't" or "I just don't feel like it" or "I lost my motivation." Get in touch with that commitment (maybe it's something like "I want to healthy and happy." or "I am energetic and enthusiastic and I can make a huge…
Hi! Welcome! If you eat lots of greens (veggies, spinach, kale) you will fill up on micro-nutrient rich but calorie-sparse foods and it will be way easier. Best regards, ---Kayvan
Awesome! Keep it up!