

  • Cardio burns the most fat, I lost 20lbs in 4 months by doing at least half an hour to an hour of cardio every day. The ellipticle was my BFF, now I have advanced to the Spin bike and have seen even more results on my core. Weight lifting is always good to mix in as well, as juberry said, a little weight lifting boosts…
  • That's amazing, great job!!!
  • CherokeeBabe ~ I hear ya! I hate it when people get mad at me for not eating or they say "oh, you can cheat, just this once", it's like, thanks for the support, NOT! Keep at it, it sounds like you have an amazing attitude, especially with the challenges that surroud you.
  • That is pretty much exactly how I found this site, lol
  • Love reading all of your posts, it helps to motivate me as well. This time of year it is very hard to stay on track so I will need all the motivation I can get. My boyfriend has been with me through weight gain and weight loss and has never once made me feel any less loved at any weight, so I'm confident that I am losing…