

  • Ok, this may sound really stupid, but is there a way to actually "join" this group, or do you guys just keep checking the same thread? If so I really want to join! I'm chubby and in my 20's and want to lose weight! I think it's great to have a support group like this.
  • Also eggs are very inexpensive and if you make egg whites and add a little cheese/veggies in, you can make it a dinner besides a breakfast meal.
  • I just joined too! Well, a few weeks ago, but then the holidays came and I ate way more than I should have and worked out way really it's like I'm starting over from scratch. My husband is also trying to drop some lbs, and I feel like those "Slim shot" commercials where the husband eats one apple and drops 20 lbs…
  • Agree with previous posts...maybe your period is coming, which would cause you to bloat and retain water. I think we all "fall of the wagon" every now and then...that's part of life, and it's very realistic and common. What's important is that you now get back on track and I bet you'll fit in those jeans in no time! Also,…