

  • I understand totally. Remember that working out will add on muscle and work off fat, and you will actually be thinner, even though the muscle weighs more than fat. Sometimes I think scales are made to torment people. I will swear that they stick at a certain weight. :) Don't let it discourage you.
  • Hi! I just started this 10 days ago. I am a binge eater, too, but keeping track of what I eat has been helpful. Its really hard to change. This is helping me learn to be honest with myself. I have a hard time keeping within my calorie limit, but at least I am on the losing end instead of constantly gaining like I have been…
  • H Jennie, I just started here a week ago. Its not easy getting started, but I love having the program to help me out. I am 57 and live in the USA. Wendy
  • Great job. It is seeming difficult to me. I'm sure that the more I learn, the easier it will get, though. I am 57-year-old, with firbromyalgia and Type 2 diabetes, so it will take adjusting at a slower pace, I think. You are an inspiration!