

  • I am so very sorry that you are having to deal with ignorant people; they were once beginners too! You should be very proud of yourself for simply stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something new. I am not big on "tattling" but perhaps you should go to the manager/owner and tell him/her what is happening to you;I…
  • If you are still feeling bad and down on yourself then I would call your doctor and discuss this with him/her because you may need something a little different or a little more... As far as getting back on track just start off slow; do the one thing that you like and make the commitment to do it 3 x a week and build from…
  • I am so sorry that you are losing the weight so slowly; I understand as I also am losing weight very, very, VERY slowly! It can be frustrating to see others seem to lose weight with little to no effort when I am working out 4-6 days a week for 45 - 60 minutes with cardio (a variety) and strength training. Just stick with…