Not losing weight and losing motivation, help?

Information About me:
Height: 5'2
Measurements: 38-29-38
SW: 156 lbs
Weight as of now: 140-145 lbs
GW: 115-120 lbs

So about 5-6 months ago I weighed in at 156 lbs. That is the highest weight I've ever been. So for the past 5 months I've been dieting and I've lost 16 pounds. That's the problem, 16 pounds!? In 5 months? I've heard of people losing 30 pounds in that much time. I want to weigh 120 by Halloween but with the rate I'm going I don't think I'm going to get there. What do you think I'm doing wrong?

I consume around 1200 calories, 40-90g carbs, 60-80g fat, 60-80g protein, 1000-1500 sodium, & 30-50g of sugar a day.
I avoid junk food, soda, bread, rice, potatoes (except sweet potatoes), & beans like the plague.

I exercise for at least 20-30 minutes everyday doing either Zumba, kickboxing cardio, jogging, aerobics, and/or weight training.

I'm losing weight SO slow it's agonizing. In fact, I think I've stopped losing weight and in stead gaining it. My clothes still pretty much fit me, I hardly gained any muscle, I haven't lose any inches. Do you know what I'm doing wrong?


  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    You're losing weight slowly because you're small. The closer to goal, the slower the loss.
  • clobern
    clobern Posts: 341 Member
    Yeah, you only had (according to you) 36-41 pounds to lose. You are short and already fairly small, so it is going to take longer to get there. Don't give up.
  • soonerwife41
    soonerwife41 Posts: 43 Member
    Are you logging your food? Do you eat back your exercise calories?
  • jakesfitness
    jakesfitness Posts: 123 Member
    Sounds like your pretty much doing it right, assuming your water intake is good... but yeah the smaller you get the harder it gets to lose fat. im trying to get some people together for a challenge group if you wannt join. My experience with these challenge groups always show results. let me know if your into it.
  • sheilarosella
    sheilarosella Posts: 101 Member
    I am appr. the same size 5 2 and had the same problem increased my calories by following Oxygen Mags. workout and eating plan in months jan. feb. and march can be found on the site and in the magazine. now finally losing a little more when i stick close i lose about a pound a week when i alter a little still lose about .5 a week..down 5 lbs in 4 weeks. on vacation this week so will have gained some back but back on track when i return.
  • Maegenrdy2bfit
    Maegenrdy2bfit Posts: 5 Member
    Up your calories 200 to 300 more
  • I am so sorry that you are losing the weight so slowly; I understand as I also am losing weight very, very, VERY slowly! It can be frustrating to see others seem to lose weight with little to no effort when I am working out 4-6 days a week for 45 - 60 minutes with cardio (a variety) and strength training. Just stick with what you are doing because slow and steady does win the raise and you are likely to keep this weight off for the long term because you are making lifestyle changes not quick fix diets.

    With that said, I would suggest you increase your excercise time and make sure you get your heart rate "zone" (85% or resting heart rate) for a good duration of your workouts. In addition I would make sure you are consuming enough calories to support your body with your increased activity. If you do not take in enough your body will hold on to everything you give it because it thinks it is starving.

    Just keep up the good work, remember your end goal, and focus on how good you feel and not the weight loss so much - it is all a journey! Good Luck!! :flowerforyou: