

  • On the 1 Corinthians 10:23: Whoa Nelly!!! The context of that is not sexual morality, it is food. On morality the Word is very firm: sex outside of marriage is not for Christians, and is a great and wonderful blessing in it. :smile:
  • The gals in your exercise class are very blessed. I have dropped or stayed out of so many classes because the music was just not edifying; it is a real blessing to have one to Christian music. I'm not in a class right now, but I am trying to jump on my mini-trampoline 3X a week, adding a minute a week. I'm at fifteen…
  • Hmmm. I thought I posted that as a reply to a post just a few spots up, about honoring God with our bodies. Sorry about that. But I'm still glad to be here!!!!! I would write stuff on my daily logs that I knew would look like foolishness to some but in the middle of all these verses from the Word, I am right at home!!!!…
  • Amen!!! That is the bottom line, right? When you belong to Him? I wrote something like that on my profile, that God's kids shouldn't have fat bodies or unsatisfied souls. I mean, my husband works hard and is very respected in his field, and I believe he deserves a wife that is as pretty as possible. My kids keep me busy…
  • Lalalalyndsay, did you want a response to your "Say What?", or was it just an exclamation?
  • Lalalalyndsay, did you want a response to your "Say What?", or was it just an exclamation?
  • I thought this was going to be something like, "a bowl of cereal for three hundred calories or a scoop of ice cream for two hundred?", but since I am here, I will weigh in. Yes, they have different connotations, both of them demeaning and, if true, very bad. But the point is, we are all people in need of a Savior and much…
  • I like that. Realizing it won't kill you is important. Hunger pangs only last about 20 minutes, then your body takes a meal off your gut. At least that's what I've heard, and I know the duration of the pangs is true. That nagging, just want something to eat feeling, ....that can last a lot longer.
  • It's almost never what I want, but if I will just drink those sixteen ounces of water, it will usually do wonders. Nonetheless, sometimes we just want FOOD, not water. The other night I was like that: I'd had enough calories but I still wanted to eat. I was so tempted to eat some decadent brownies, but instead I got a…