

  • Hi, How are you getting on? I'm in North Wales and just restarted 3 weeks ago. Did really well last time but unfortunately after my wedding stopped and started putting the pounds back on. Not sure if you've done this before but if you want any help or someone to share ideas with then feel free to add me. Jo x
  • One thing you are not is alone. I think you'll find there are so many of us on here in the same boat as you. Okay so you comfort eat when you're do I and so do many of the people replying to you too...but remember you are only human and unfortunately our emotions can be a complete pain in the bum and pulling…
  • I'm from the UK, living in North Wales....the more the merrier for support so feel free to add me x
  • I live in the UK and have a pretty big year this year - turning 30 next month & getting married in 5 months! I want to lose (and keep off) 20lbs so I feel like a slim & beautiful bride on my big day....I can do this ????????