

  • Holy *kitten*, this is seriously one of the best articles i've read, and i've read a lot. Given i've still only gotten about a quarter of the way through it, it's throughly explaining everything i've read/heard its such a clear way. Seriously...on point! This is so informative, thank you so much.
  • Thanks so much for the reply! I realize I am just complicating the whole thing. My problem is that Im still holding onto that fear I developed during my weight loss of gaining fat, I'm scared to up my carbs because mentally it makes me extremely anxious. Also, I do notice I look a lot leaner the morning after a low carb…
  • Are you saying if i want to gain muscle mass i should keep eating at matinence levels or start a reverse diet? I do want to gain muscle but i also would like to lose a little fat. Does 240 grams of carbs for a woman my age/size/activity level seem high?
  • @MACnificence I know exactly what you mean about thinking matinence would be exciting and easy! I think we get this idea in our head that if we get to this goal weight our bodies will be exactly how we envisioned them to be. I thought I would just completely relax and be able to eat normal food while being health…
  • Ahhhhhh thank you so much for the support, sometimes all I really need is for someone to tell me to snap out of it. I am extremely OCD in every part of life, so it makes sense I'm the same way about my diet. For me it's all about control, and if I weight myself and see I've gained even the smallest amount I beat myself up…