GeorginaMcKee Member


  • I just started Stage 3 and am heading to the gym for B! So far so good and I am definitely seeing and feeling a difference in my leg strength:) I really like these workouts and am enjoying all the new and interesting moves! Keep it up everyone!!! This is a random question but I thought maybe some of you would have…
  • I just started S2 today and loved it. It was nice to mix things up after getting so used to the routine of S1. I'm looking forward to the "B" workout on Wed!!! What have people been doing about the interval section, do you really do it after the lifting or save it for later?
  • I am almost done with Stage 1 and am looking forward to stepping it up in 2!!! i am wondering about the interval part of the workouts though...Am I reading it right that you do 15min of intervals at the end of the B workout? I have been doing intervals like that on my non-lifting days through out Stage 1 and sometimes…
  • I just finished my first S1 B workout. I need to lift more weight with my arms but my legs got a good burn. I'm just not used to only spending 30min in the gym. This time I did all the warm up sets too (forgot last time) so that added some time before the beginning of each new set. I did more than 8reps of abs...i'm an ab…
  • Hey everyone! I have found reading all this very helpful, thank you to you all for sharing your experiences. I have just a couple questions to make sure that I am on the right track. Today was my first day! Workout 1 A, went very fast compared to what I'm used to. i have been lifting on my own for years and am used to…
  • Welcome! You can totally do this and we are all here to listen and offer support wherever you need it. I have found this group really helpful in sharing thoughts and asking questions with other people experiencing similar challenges and triumphs. Sometimes it just feels good to know you're not alone...and you're not!! So…
  • I've been thinking about this question of "what is binging"...I think that is different for everyone. what i have figured out for myself is that is seems to have less to do with quantity or even type of food, but is more about the quality of how i eat it. i feel myself getting panicked about eating, i feel myself start…
  • I feel like I have been doing very well lately, but last night i had dessert. it was one small piece of pastry that my mother had gotten specially for me and i had it after a great, healthy meal...hard for me to not think of that as a binge though. one day at a time...
  • everyday brings new challenges, and new opportunities for growth and change. i'm sorry that your day didn't turn out the way you would have liked, but i hope the days since have been better. it's hard not to get stuck in beating ourselves up when we do binge, but try to let it go and make better choices next time. i've…
  • it is so helpful for me to read all these words...i struggle with these same things so much. I'm in the thick of it these days and am really searching for balance. thank you all for sharing. One thing that i have been working on with myself (and it sounds so similar to a lot of your all's methods) is to try and recognize…
  • That's great! I often find that a physical activity can distract me from wanting to binge. My dog helps with that, he will always go for a walk with me:) I should get a wii maybe for rainy days:) Yay for a binge free day!!!
  • exactly! I hope this can get addressed by the site managers, i think it would be a great improvement!
  • I think this is a great thread! the 'why' is always the most important part, at least for me. willpower has little to do with it most of the time, its something deeper that make me want to eat everything infront of me, or starve myself. i have been keeping a daily journal for myself about how i feel each day about food,…
  • Thanks for the tips and support! I just placed a hold on that book from the library, so I'll take a look when it gets in. I too do yoga at home, my dad is actually a practicing yogi, so i get to use his knowledge:) One day at a time! lots of learning and trying new things. glad to be part of this community!
  • hey everyone, i'm new and just wanted to add my voice to the board! I think this is a great group and i have always found that support is the best way through anything. We can help each other and reach our goals! I try to remind myself to look at things one day at a time, that is all that is infront of me, just today, this…
  • Hello everyone, I am new to oa and have only been to one meeting. I am still trying to figure out where i fit and what i need to help me on this journey. I am 30 and make my living as an actor. I struggle with under eating more than over eating, but my compulsion towards over eating when my hunger gets too much is a real…
  • Hello everyone! My name is Georgina and I just joined this group. I've been on mfp for a while but am just starting to use the community aspect of it, I'm hoping that keeping in touch with other people will help me stick to my goals and lifestyle changes. I am an actor, so I make my living with my body and stay pretty…