

  • i cannot weigh myself - the numbers freak me out way too much, my head explodes. I go by how my clothes fit, so weighing in 1x a week sounds like it would be a great idea for you. In my world, any victory will be an NSV, until I've lost at least 25 lbs and can weigh myself without going into full-on psycho binge…
  • stay away, and do not accept her "friend" request. they both owe you an apology, and if they don't have the decency to extend one to you, they deserve no part of your life. consider yourself lucky that you won't have them at your wedding, the one day that if someone ruins it, you can never get it back...! maybe i'm harsh,…
  • "Women, Food and God" by Geneen Roth was a great book for me too. The best book I've found to help with any kind of overeating/binge eating, however, is "Brain Over Binge" - the author's name escapes me at the moment, but you can find it on Amazon for $16.95, and it's worth much more to me! Since I read it, I have had no…