Good luck to all of you fighting the same battle! I know you can do it. I remember talking to my doctor about my fear that even after I took control of my life and lost weight that the diabetes wouldn’t go away. I was afraid that if my three month check up didn’t show progress that it would destroy my motivation. My doctor…
Thank you for the replies! I will definitely check out that link.
Noah from Northern VA. I am down 41 lbs so far and look forward to pushing myself even more.
I would recommended that every one be very careful. If these cures don't work go to the doctor and get checked out. I have had constipation issues since November and tried a lot of this stuff. Some of it worked but the issues always came back. I finally went to the doctor last week and found out I have a small bowel…
I met my wife on an internet dating site. When we first started talking I fibbed about a few things. On the internet its hard to tell if you are going to make a long term connection with the person you are talking to so sometimes lies happen because you are embarrassed and don't know if you can trust the person with the…
Thanks for all the kind words everyone!
Being so uncomfortable on planes was one of the things that really motivated me to start this. I found myself passing up opportunities to visit family because I didn't want to fly.
I'm sorry to hear you're having a hard time. I myself started at 441 lbs and can relate to how daunting it feels to have so much to lose but it does get better. I did not have many girlfriends before I started going online. There really is someone out there for everyone but its hard to find them when you stay inside your…
To get mine to work I had to erase the old weight I had logged when I first started that I guessed on. Because it was under what I actually weighed I think it messed with it somehow when I put my actual weight in. Don't know if that' will help you or not.
Thank you!
Thanks! I think that's the way I'm going to go but there is the argument that you start burning muscle if you don't eat them back and have a deficit that's too high so I'm a little worried about that. I would like to find a middle ground. It seems like the safest bet is to not eat them back though because every calculator…
Thats a good point. I think Im going to cut the MFP number in half and see how that does me and if I cant handle it try something else. No offense taken I am a very large guy but hopefully not for long!
Very interesting. I guess the safest bet would be take take the MFP count and cut it in half then or not count it at all and try and make due. Thanks a lot for your time guys.
I have a sportline 660. It is configured to my body and the fate zone feature is turned off. I'm not interested in eating all the calories back, or any if i can help it, but it would be nice to have a guideline if I need them. I turned it on right when i started and stopped at 30 mins.
If that's the case why would my heart rate monitor and MFP be so over on their count? That seems pretty useless.