As long as the other person works as hard as me and we're both focused on working out and help eachother i think is ok; I've tried many times going wiht friends (and even though it's nice to have company) most of the times they distract me and i don't work as much as i do on my own, plus they always end up giving up on the…
Something that has worked perfectly for me is warming up for about 10 to 15 mins, making my strenght routine (combined with the abs work out of course) and then do cardio for about 30 to 45 mins. Doing cardio after your routine will burn fat much faster (specially in the zones you've previously worked out) so you can make…
Hiii :)
I agree with you, but for some people it isn't enough; i think it also depends on how much calories each person needs and how much calories they burn. I feel good with eating 1200 calories (i eat similar to you, and i don't feel like starving ever) but not all bodies are the same and we all have different metabolisms so…