groin and belly fat



  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    Read your labels and replace items containing High Fructose Corn Syrup with ones that do NOT have it in.

    Yes- I KNOW there's a controversy over it,
    but since I don't HAVE to ingest it, I opt NOT to- can always find stuff withOUT it
    or do without.

    I buy the groceries in the house and my spouse eats what I buy- he hasn't changed his eating habits at all,
    and began losing belly fat with little effort.
    I'm in maintenance now, and as soon as I go for the breads with it in it, I start packing it on in that area.
    I stop, and it comes back off.

    Just my 2 cents' worth on the subject.

    Best Wishes on your journey
  • strongnotskinny121
    strongnotskinny121 Posts: 329 Member
    lmao, love it. Was exactly what I was thinking!
  • baoneill29
    baoneill29 Posts: 138 Member
    I'm having the same issue as you with trying to conquer the belly fat. I agree with some of the other posters that 1500 calories is too low for your size, it could be sending your system into a starvation mode which may make it harder to lose, but you did say you are dropping.

    More weights, about 1 gram of protien per lb of body weight, and some patience!
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    By the way, is that your Road Runner? I was slightly disappointed that it's not purple ;)

    ya its mine, but that is a 1970 Challenger I built from the ground up, the road runner got trashed a long time ago but kept the handle, ya I am 6'0 but at 210 I will start to intake a little more on cals, doing calculations MFP said I would take about 2000 a day but we will see

    Yeah I just assumed road runner from your name, the hood should have given it away as being a Challenger. My bad, I'm a chevy guy.
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss, great job. At 6' and ballparking 200 lbs. Prepare for the weight loss to slow down and start using the mirror and tape measure as your primary progress meter.

    Up the calories by adding primarily more protein and some fats. Start a basic strength program focused on compound moves 3 times a week. On those days cut waaaaay back on your cardio. The focus at this stage for you is gearing toward body recomposition rather than raw numbers off the scale.

    In doing so, the waist will lean out. Be patient and persistent.
  • purpleroadrunner
    purpleroadrunner Posts: 252 Member
    By the way, is that your Road Runner? I was slightly disappointed that it's not purple ;)

    ya its mine, but that is a 1970 Challenger I built from the ground up, the road runner got trashed a long time ago but kept the handle, ya I am 6'0 but at 210 I will start to intake a little more on cals, doing calculations MFP said I would take about 2000 a day but we will see

    Yeah I just assumed road runner from your name, the hood should have given it away as being a Challenger. My bad, I'm a chevy guy.

    ya like them all gm,mopar,ford
  • acuratlsd
    acuratlsd Posts: 228
    My Tummy pouch is going away pretty quickly. I am proud... I am doing cardio. Lots of walking. I do about 6 miles Plus a day.

    I do the elliptical about 3 times a week. Hour per turn. Another way to get rid of the pouch too is the Jillian Micheals' 30 Day shred. it will combine weights, toning, and cardio into one.

    I drink lots of water. 18 8 ouches or more a day. Then of course as everyone else said keep within your calories.

    You can't spot train your body... eventually your fat will start to dissipate and hopefully in our case... you should see some go away in the tummy a groin area pretty quickly.
  • LCgymnast
    LCgymnast Posts: 258
    I noticed with me, that noticing what kinds of food I was eating was becoming stuck in my belly. When i started adding more high fiber into my diet the pooch was starting to disappear. Also adding some good abdominal and back exercises helped greatly. You've got the cardio down with all the other stuff you do. Keep it up and you'll for sure see a difference. Good luck with everything.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    I am also gonna suggest a strength training program. With your severe calorie deficit, too much cardio, little weight lifting and being 40 you are at serious risk of burning up your lean body mass. It looks great on the scale to lose that much weight but if a lot of it is coming from lost muscle then that is not what you are looking for.

    Here is my normal cut and paste advice:

    Losing fat anywhere on the body is more to do with a calorie deficit than any particular exercise. With that said the fat will burn off from wherever the body decides. You can not control this and it usually comes off in the reverse order it went on.

    To lose "weight" put your calories in a moderate deficit. Notice I said "weight". To make sure the majority of your weight loss comes from "body fat" you will need to do resistance training. Muscle is very expensive to maintain calorie wise. If you do not convince your body that the muscle is necessary it will get rid of it. This can look great on the scale but is terrible for body composition. This site is full of people who reach their weight loss goals and are not happy with the way their bodies look. This is usually do to excessive calorie deficit (from severe dieting or excessive cardio) and no resistance training (lifting relatively heavy weights). Strength training should be started as soon as possible. I recommend picking a premade program like Starting Strength, 5x5, New Rules For Lifting. Any will get you results for quite awhile.

    Is cardio necessary for fat loss? Nope. You can lose weight just with diet alone or diet with strength training combined to maximize fat loss.

    Should you do cardio anyways? Yep. Many benefits of doing cardio but I recommend high intensity cardio. 20-30 minutes as hard as you can go. Try HIIT training at first. Do that about 3 times per week. Spending hours on a treadmill will burn calories but is so inefficient that I think its a waste of time.

    Read this and the attached study but do not lower your calories that low:

    Watch this video for setting up calorie goals and macros (protein, fats, carbs)

    Watch this video on which kind of cardio you might want to do:
  • misspau
    Something that has worked perfectly for me is warming up for about 10 to 15 mins, making my strenght routine (combined with the abs work out of course) and then do cardio for about 30 to 45 mins. Doing cardio after your routine will burn fat much faster (specially in the zones you've previously worked out) so you can make your abs routine first and then do your cardio work out. This is something i've been doing for about 4 months and i've seen the results (muscles grow lean while they burn the fat that's above them). Also cutting sugar and reducing the intake of carboihydrates is important, instead eat more fiber & protein and don't ever eat less than 1500 calories, in order to burn your body needs to keep your metabolism up (since we're talking about localized fat which is the hardest one to get rid of) Also, are you sleeping well? i didn't thought that was important untill i started resting properly . Just keep going, you will see the results !
  • super_monty
    super_monty Posts: 419 Member
    Simple question are you still losing?

    If so it will go, it might be the last fat to go but it will.