groin and belly fat

anybody have any good exercises that help get rid of belly fat and groin fat? I swim 45 minutes every mon,wed, and friday, and tues, and thurs I work 45 minutes on the Elliptical machine. then everynight I walk about 4 1/2 miles around the l lake I live by. and I still have a pooch. I about 20 lbs to go and have a feeling that it will be there when I am done

any suggestion greatly appreciated :drinker:


  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Food pushaways and fork putdowns.

    (in other words, no exercise can do what you're asking :))
  • purpleroadrunner
    purpleroadrunner Posts: 252 Member
    I guess that would mean no food at all as my intake is about 1500 a day,
  • pickledginger
    It tends to be the last to go - especially in people whose blood sugar is at all high.

    So, persistence, mostly. Meanwhile, those criss-crossy crunches or some pilates or other core-toning and posture / balance work can make for a slimmer look.
  • CheekyRunner
    CheekyRunner Posts: 105 Member
    1500 calories a day for a man seems low to me. Eating too little can help you gain weight instead of lose it. My husband has lost most of his belly by cutting out some junk food but the thing that has helped him the most is strength training (he thinks dead lifts and power squats are the best). His tummy is slimmer and his bottom is as hard as a rock! which use to be soft like a pillow. :laugh:

    (adding that my husband is 6 foot 215 lbs and eats over 3000+ cals a day...he also drinks protien shakes made with water and fruit 2x a day and you can see the difference in his body)

    Good luck on you quest for a trim waist line! :wink:
  • marypatmccue
    marypatmccue Posts: 521 Member
    Sounds like you're only doing cardio....? How about you pick heavy stuff up, and put it back down, repeatedly?
  • mirthfuldragon
    mirthfuldragon Posts: 124 Member
    Unfortunately, there is no easy answer to the belly flab. I've gone from 296lbs to 192lbs in about 2.5 years (I'm 6'2"). My legs have great definition (cycling), my back is getting nice, my arms are getting definition, and the belly if flabby like a shopping bag. I'm doing P90x, so between Ab Ripper X three times a week and Yoga, my core strength has jumped up a bunch and I can feel the abs under the flab.

    The reality, from my research, is the belly fat is the last to go. Right now I'm between 19 and 20% body fat, and my goal is 10 to 13%. It sucks, because at 240lbs or even 220lbs I still thought of myself as "fat," and now I'm getting truly happy with my athleticism and abilities, but instead of focusing on my HIIT intervals and endurance training (my goal is an international triathlon and a marathon next year), all I can do is watch the scale and body fat % slowly inch their way down. My original goal was a 40" jean size, and the last pair I bought were 34", but every time I look down I see the loose belly flab laughing at me.

    Keep up the good work; you've done real well so far, but like everything, there is still more work to do.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    I guess that would mean no food at all as my intake is about 1500 a day,

    Not necessarily. Are you currently losing weight? If so, keep it up. The fat will go given a caloric deficit and time.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Belly fat is usually the last to go and if you've lost a substantial amount of weight it may be partly loose skin which may or may not tighten up. You can't spot reduce and if you have fat or loose skin over top you wouldn't see ripped abs anyway.
  • LizHowerton
    LizHowerton Posts: 329 Member
    I think keep on doing what you are doing. Maybe add some weight training.

    As we get older it's just stinking harder to lose. You are doing great. Keep it up.
  • MiSo_SeXy
    MiSo_SeXy Posts: 210 Member
  • purpleroadrunner
    purpleroadrunner Posts: 252 Member
    ya losing weight at a rate of 6-9 lbs a month, everything I have read said that minimum is 1200 for a girl, 1500 minimum for a guy but everybodys says everything different, I am doing a ton of cardio, but on tues I also do strenth training probably not as much as I should doing the ab machine, the crunches (not situps) and reverse crunches,
  • LizHowerton
    LizHowerton Posts: 329 Member
    How tall are you?

    Maybe add an additional day of strength training see how that goes. 6 to 9 pounds a month is good. Slow and steady wins the race.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    ya losing weight at a rate of 6-9 lbs a month, everything I have read said that minimum is 1200 for a girl, 1500 minimum for a guy but everybodys says everything different, I am doing a ton of cardio, but on tues I also do strenth training probably not as much as I should doing the ab machine, the crunches (not situps) and reverse crunches,

    6-9 a month? Oh yeah, that's a ton of weight loss - probably due to your really low calories. You're doing just fine, you could probably eat a little more if you wanted to. Depends on how big you are - with a 210lb goal weight I'm guessing you're not short at all, however. My goal weight is slightly under yours (200lbs) and I eat 2300 a day on average. I'm not trying to lose weight that fast though, I might be lucky to lose 4lbs in a month.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    By the way, is that your Road Runner? I was slightly disappointed that it's not purple ;)
  • purpleroadrunner
    purpleroadrunner Posts: 252 Member
    By the way, is that your Road Runner? I was slightly disappointed that it's not purple ;)

    ya its mine, but that is a 1970 Challenger I built from the ground up, the road runner got trashed a long time ago but kept the handle, ya I am 6'0 but at 210 I will start to intake a little more on cals, doing calculations MFP said I would take about 2000 a day but we will see
  • awilmeri
    awilmeri Posts: 218 Member
    My guess is you need to up the cals, lots of protein and add strength training. Work on a bf% goal rather than a weight. You don't need to get huge but muscle would help burn more of that fat. Good luck, you have done a great job getting lots of pounds off.
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    You've made great progress already! But, if I was the boss I'd tell you you need to be eating more and lifting heavy weights 2-3 times a week (group "in place of a road map" and strong lifts or similar). :smile:
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Can't spot reduce. Just have to keep working to reduce over all fat.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    I agree with several folks here, up the calories some and add some weight training!
  • maxonehiphop
    maxonehiphop Posts: 139 Member
    To reiterate. Keep going and it wouldn't hurt at all to add some lifting in there somewhere. More food probably wouldn't hurt either.

    The small bit of flab that is left around my mid section bothers me more now than when I was over 300. It keeps shrinking though. Yours will too.