

  • It could be a couple of things.... Muscle weighs more than sometimes when you've been working out you build muscle and burn fat and still gain weight. That's why they give you the option of measureing your belly, arms, etc because you'll see your progress there. I always weigh less in the almost two…
  • I've got a couple of great slow cooker (crock pot) recipes on my blog. Here's the address to my blog: Look at the Chicken Adobo Recipe and the White Chili Recipe. Both are really good. In a few days or next week, I'm going to write about a really great Black Bean Soup recipe that my…
  • Is there a chance that the BLT's are killing your diet? BLT's are the Bites, Licks, Tastes that a dieter puts in their mouth while making dinner, or getting their kids dinner. You know....I put some chips in a bowl for my girls and taste just one. Or I'm cutting up thier yummy, rich, full-fat dinner and I take just one…
  • I used to do WW's too. I like this program as much as the points system, but this one is free...which is totally a plus for my pocketbook. I have two kids and sometimes feel like I let myself go so that I can get their needs met. Plus we just moved back to the states from Germany. I had my second baby right before we moved…
  • In my humble opinion, I see the workouts as a goal. If you do at least 30 mins three times a week...then you've met your goal. Anything in addition is for you and a bonus. If you adjust your goals to 5 times a week, do you think you'll be discouraged or more likely to be hard on yourself if you miss a workout?…