Mouse_Potato Member


  • Sorry to hear about the woes with your stall panels. That's very frustrating! I am also sorry to hear about Sunny. I hope he is doing well. <3 Princess and I have been doing very well. Still riding western. My trainer has me riding her as well as several of his horses, depending on what he wants to work on that day.…
  • I hate it when people rate a recipe, good or bad, and then list out 12 different changes they made to it. That's not even the same recipe!!
  • We love cruises and usually go twice a year. In fact, we just got off a nine-night two weeks ago. I don't set any rules for myself - I'm on vacation! - but I also don't let myself use it as an excuse to slack off in the weeks leading up to the trip or the weeks that follow. I stuck to my calories and my workout schedule up…
  • My favorites are aerial arts (silks, Lyra, trapeze, etc.), pole fitness, horseback riding, and weight lifting to help me be better at the first three. ;) I'm not great at exercise for the sake of exercise. I only have so much time to commit and I want it to be fun!
  • Carnation Breakfast Bars. I used to eat one every morning in high school. I'm sure they were pure sugar, but I'd buy them now just for the nostalgia.
  • I'm about to turn 49, so I am peri-menopausal. I've been here for over 10 years and I've been in maintenance for the better part of a decade now. I know how to lose and how to maintain. Every year I take a couple of vacations where I don't count or restrict myself in any way and I always gain 2-4 pounds. Then I get home…
  • Hi, there! I haven't checked this group in forever. I'm glad I looked today. I don't do a whole lot of aerial sports these days since my studio closed during COVID, but I still take pole once a week and tomorrow I'm scheduled to do a popup workshop on birdcage, so that should be fun. You are welcome to send me a friend…
  • Just this weekend I had a supposed fitness and nutrition coach tell me that I can't lose weight if I eat after 6:00 PM.
  • Aerial acrobatics? :lol: I hope you are okay!
  • I rode before work this morning for the third time this week. I am usually not a morning person, but it's been so worth it! We've been working in the round pen so we can focus on me more than her. Today we cantered both directions and talked a lot about my balance. Apparently, I put more weight in my left leg than my…
  • Looks like "egg bake" is what we call "breakfast casserole" in the states. :smile: I don't have any recipes of my own, but hopefully someone else will (and I will get them, too!). My workday breakfasts start with something kind of similar - egg whites that I've baked up in a pan and then serve open-faced on toast with…
  • @mgood4x4 Oh, I love your costumes! I did a very low-key cat costume to pass out candy to the neighbor kids. I did get my grumpy boyfriend to carve pumpkins with me, so that was neat. I love that barn! <3 So amazing! I hope you get out to ride a bit this week. Our weather is going all over the place, so we're watching out…
  • One more vote for this. I can't say what the OP needs in terms of calories or what her body would be like at a particular weight, but I am 5'3" and I went from 149 to 112 eating no less than 1800 a day. I am quite muscular. It's definitely possible.
  • It finally happened - I got to ride Princess last night! She was so good! I am out of shape, so I only rode for about 15-20 minutes, but we did really well. I am probably going to ride her again tomorrow night and maybe we'll do a bit more. Right now my legs and rear are sore from 4 months out of the saddle, not to mention…
  • @mgood4x4 Congratulations on making your goal! I've had two lessons scheduled to ride Princess in the last week and both were cancelled. Better luck this coming week!
  • @mgood4x4 Hi, there. Sorry for the silence. I went on vacation and then just sort of forgot about the message boards. It looks like you've made great progress this month! And I love the design for the new barn! I have not yet ridden Princess, though I will soon. The trainer texted me while I was out of town to ask about…
  • My personal favorite was an individually packaged muffin that had a serving size of 1/3 of the muffin. Who buys a muffin to split with two friends?
  • I am much the same way. I *can* do a morning workout, but it won't be as intense - lighter weights, fewer reps, etc. - because it takes me about two hours to fully wake up in the morning! It's like my brain engages, but my body is very slow to join it. I find I do best if I workout midday. Anytime between about 10:00 AM…
  • I don't think it's just an American thing. Maybe a generational thing? I'm first generation born in the U.S. and grew up in an immigrant family where 50 seemed to be the deadline for any physical activity. There was never a time in my life when I wasn't hearing "you do this thing because I am too old." Consequently, by the…
  • @mgood4x4 Nice riding! I met with the trainer on Thursday morning and he basically confirmed everything I suspected. My mare is a spoiled brat! :lol: He said she fought him for the first 40 days, at one point opening her mouth as wide as she could and just... SCREAMING to anyone who would listen! She did some bucking and…
  • My weird sleep issue has come back. I go to bed around 11:00 or midnight and I am wide awake at 5:00 AM or so. After 40+ years of being a night owl who required 9+ hours of sleep a night. Not sure if it's menopause-related or not. Also, I've done some experimenting lately and found that excessive sodium definitely…
  • @mgood4x4 No worries! Sorry for the delay. Got my COVID booster and I've been dealing with fever and fatigue. So, I've had my girl for several years now. We started with a trainer who was very strict (not abusive, but very firm). I rode with that trainer for many many years and adopted most of her tools and techniques.…
  • I've had to go back to logging most of my food through the web interface. The dashboard is never up-to-date and when I do add food to my diary, it's a crap shoot on which day it will be added. I was trying to add a snack of 30 grams of pistachios the other night. They ended up logged 16 times on August 26th. Also,…
  • Nice work! My girl is currently in "boot camp" with a professional trainer, so I won't be riding her again until sometime in October. In the meantime, I will happily follow your progress!
  • I'm 48 and I've been in peri for about 3-4 years now. As long as I keep tracking and logging, I haven't noticed much difference in my weight loss. I've been (mostly) in maintenance for several years now, just fighting a few vanity pounds after each vacation/holiday. My biggest issues are the hot flashes and the brain fog.…
  • One of my recent favorite lunches (since it's like eleventy-billion degrees where I live) is to grab a Santa Fe-style salad from Kroger, mix it up, and wrap it in a Carb Counter tortilla. Tasty, quick, and lots of fiber.
  • I am still here. Still burning up with hot flashes. ;) We've been having record-breaking high temps where I live, so I'm doing my best not to melt.
  • I bought a LifeFitness F3 about 7-8 years ago and have never had a problem with it. Like you, I didn't need anything fancy (the more features there are the more stuff can break!). I've never even used any of the handful of built-in programs that came with it. I just hit quick start, select a speed, and fire up Netflix!
  • This is very individual and probably depends a lot on where you live. Down here in Southeast Texas it's been so hot over the last few weeks that I don't even want to go grocery shopping. If I don't get moving and finish my workout before 8:00 AM, it's not going to happen. Plus all the power companies are begging us to bump…