bka1961 Member


  • You look GREAT girl!!!! That is an awesome accomplishment!!! Yea YOU!!!!!
  • There's no secret, no magic. It's just "eat less/move more". I've tried it all....all my life and I found this place and finally understood this at last. All the books and programs and meetings I've bought and done all these many years. None of it worked and least not for very long. Until I came here and understood it just…
  • Welcome aboard! It's wonderful here. Feel free to add me!
  • Welcome. Feel free to add me!! I've got about the same to lose. Been here for real...since 11/8/12.
  • Wow...what a topic! In the past, I always had fast food not matter what diet I was on and I believe that it was a big part of why I could not lose consistently. I would lose weight....then gain it back....lose it....gain it.....etc. The most I ever lost was 50 lbs but when I joined the group I'm in and started really…
  • I am so sorry that this is happening to you!!! You will be in my thoughts and prayers!! You can do this and thank goodness you finally have a diagnosis. It isn't a pleasant one but at least you don't have to wonder anymore what is wrong. We are here for you gal. Hang in there!!
  • Used to be Diet Coke!! But I'm now Day Two....Soda Free!! Still love my chips but love weight loss better!!!
  • Cool for you for deciding on consistency! That is what I feel is the way....to be consistent....because that's what I never way......not for the long haul....for awhile.....for a time.....but today I'm in it for the long haul. I used to skip meals or just have one meal a day...kinda like you were saying too....especially…
  • Ok now I'm getting the hang of this reply thing! I am here with you too Mommamia62!! Just do it every day!! And want it every day as my friend to me!! I am 51 also but single. But lots of responsibilities and school too.......let this be YOUR year...not for anyone else...but for you!! I long to not feel slug-like every day…
  • Thanks and congrats on the six days....it's more than me! I will definately add you! I will be on here every day too...posting my food.....I will to post everyday too...but school is kicking my butt.....but nevertheless I will do it and this!!!! "agreed have only been on here for 6 days, very impressed with it so far. Love…
  • It's taken a very long time to be really tired of faking it......or up and down...on and off.....just so glad I finally get it. Send me that request!! I'm still feeling my way around this replying thing so I may be a little slow....but I'm getting it. Thanks! "Hey that's awesome that you're "getting real" as you put it,…
  • Thanks...good luck to you to!!! Happy to be here! "Good luck and grats on beginning your journey!"
  • Thanks! It is definately part of my day as you are saying...I've gotta get my exercise in somewhere....I'm a bit off track but will get it in there somewhere. School is a little crazy right now....thanks again! "Yay for you! I just started recently as well and I've found this site very helpful. Just make it a part of your…
  • Thanks! I feel the same. Good luck to you too!! "This site is awesome. Lots of info and great advice & encouragement . Good luck on your journey. "
  • Yes...I am LOVING posting what I'm eating! Which is weird for me as when I was on WW...I hated doing the journal thing...but here it is easy!!! And I enjoy it!! I have it on my phone too which is helpful when I'm not home which is a lot. 16 lbs. in 9 weeks....so awesome!! Congrats!! One day at a time is definitely the way…