

  • I used to be on a daily dose of Amitriptyline with Maxalt as my emergency medicine. Now, after being weaned off the daily stuff, I only use the Maxalt when I have to and Advil otherwise.
  • I'm pretty close to you! Same height, same goal weight, only I'm just starting. I'm about 170 right now
  • A trip to the beach or Shlitterbahn and a swimsuit I won't feel the need to cover up ::bigsmile:
  • First ever weigh in for me. I'm 5'5" and weighing in at 169 today (although I haven't had breakfast or lunch today yet, I'm just doing this before I forget. Normally closer to about 173ish). Goal weight: around 140.
  • Hi everyone! I'm Amanda. Three random things about me: I secretly enjoy watching TLC, I couldn't get enough Mexican food if I tried, and I just joined my fitness pal today! :)
    in Intros Comment by arw644 October 2012