Saturday Weigh-in



  • zacksnana
    zacksnana Posts: 3,230 Member
    I am 189 which is also one up from last week so i need to do better this coming week!

    Anyone else around 5'6 at my weight with a goal of 140 ish?
  • arw644
    arw644 Posts: 6
    First ever weigh in for me. I'm 5'5" and weighing in at 169 today (although I haven't had breakfast or lunch today yet, I'm just doing this before I forget. Normally closer to about 173ish). Goal weight: around 140.
  • I am 189 which is also one up from last week so i need to do better this coming week!

    Anyone else around 5'6 at my weight with a goal of 140 ish?
    Me! Me! :flowerforyou:
    I am 5'7 and my goal is right @ 150. Started at 187. Weight as of 10/20=182.4.
    Slow and steady wins the race, right?
  • zacksnana
    zacksnana Posts: 3,230 Member
    I am 189 which is also one up from last week so i need to do better this coming week!

    Anyone else around 5'6 at my weight with a goal of 140 ish?
    Me! Me! :flowerforyou:
    I am 5'7 and my goal is right @ 150. Started at 187. Weight as of 10/20=182.4.
    Slow and steady wins the race, right?

    Hmmmmm. I will work really hard to catch you! Excellent! Your goal shall be to stop me from catching you. Better run quicky!:drinker:
  • I am 189 which is also one up from last week so i need to do better this coming week!

    Anyone else around 5'6 at my weight with a goal of 140 ish?
    Me! Me! :flowerforyou:
    I am 5'7 and my goal is right @ 150. Started at 187. Weight as of 10/20=182.4.
    Slow and steady wins the race, right?

    Hmmmmm. I will work really hard to catch you! Excellent! Your goal shall be to stop me from catching you. Better run quicky!:drinker:
    Challenge accepted :wink:
    But I should warn you. I run FAST when someone is after me.... (mostly cuz I'm a chicken and seen waaay too many horror movies)
  • twinteensmom
    twinteensmom Posts: 371 Member
    I refuse to WI on Saturdays simply bc it just never works for me...Besides, for some people it invites um obsessive behaviors.

    Fine! Be that way!

    Hug it out guys...HUG IT OUT.

    No no,..she is right. That was my 13 year old that I mentioned who responded and I apologize for sounding so petulant. The fact is, I HAVE become a little OCD about this whole weight loss thing. In fact, I was going to start a separate thread about that very subject. i guess here is as good a place as any. I can't weigh myself during the week because I get up at 2:30 every morning for work and I just don't think weighing myself at that hour would be all that accurate. I do weigh myself at night but, at least I know that weight isn't accurate. Also, I play with my rings a lot , making sure they are still loose. I guess my losing weight means more to me than I ever thought it would.
  • I refuse to WI on Saturdays simply bc it just never works for me...Besides, for some people it invites um obsessive behaviors.

    Fine! Be that way!

    Hug it out guys...HUG IT OUT.

    No no,..she is right. That was my 13 year old that I mentioned who responded and I apologize for sounding so petulant. The fact is, I HAVE become a little OCD about this whole weight loss thing. In fact, I was going to start a separate thread about that very subject. i guess here is as good a place as any. I can't weigh myself during the week because I get up at 2:30 every morning for work and I just don't think weighing myself at that hour would be all that accurate. I do weigh myself at night but, at least I know that weight isn't accurate. Also, I play with my rings a lot , making sure they are still loose. I guess my losing weight means more to me than I ever thought it would.

    Hey, do whatever makes you comfortable. If you don't want to weigh-in then you can post NSV's instead.
  • I am 189 which is also one up from last week so i need to do better this coming week!

    Anyone else around 5'6 at my weight with a goal of 140 ish?


    CW is 188
    GW is 140 ish
    Height is 5"6!
  • swarovski75
    swarovski75 Posts: 195 Member
    Dammit! I'm already behind you two! (says the tortoise, as she stealthily creeps up behind the two hares...).

    I'm 5'6 and 198.5 as of Saturday a.m., but I swear I'm AT LEAST 10 lbs of boob.

    GW is nowhere near 140 though. I truly am a big-boned girl (no excuses - I'm a linebacker!) an I pack a lot of muscle in my legs, so my GW is more like 160.
  • Dammit! I'm already behind you two! (says the tortoise, as she stealthily creeps up behind the two hares...).

    I'm 5'6 and 198.5 as of Saturday a.m., but I swear I'm AT LEAST 10 lbs of boob.

    GW is nowhere near 140 though. I truly am a big-boned girl (no excuses - I'm a linebacker!) an I pack a lot of muscle in my legs, so my GW is more like 160.

  • I am 189 which is also one up from last week so i need to do better this coming week!

    Anyone else around 5'6 at my weight with a goal of 140 ish?

    I started at 180 , now 166.6 with a goal of 140ish and I am 5'5.5 I think
  • twinteensmom
    twinteensmom Posts: 371 Member
    I refuse to WI on Saturdays simply bc it just never works for me...Besides, for some people it invites um obsessive behaviors.

    Fine! Be that way!

    Hug it out guys...HUG IT OUT.

    No no,..she is right. That was my 13 year old that I mentioned who responded and I apologize for sounding so petulant. The fact is, I HAVE become a little OCD about this whole weight loss thing. In fact, I was going to start a separate thread about that very subject. i guess here is as good a place as any. I can't weigh myself during the week because I get up at 2:30 every morning for work and I just don't think weighing myself at that hour would be all that accurate. I do weigh myself at night but, at least I know that weight isn't accurate. Also, I play with my rings a lot , making sure they are still loose. I guess my losing weight means more to me than I ever thought it would.

    Hey, do whatever makes you comfortable. If you don't want to weigh-in then you can post NSV's instead.

    No, I'll weigh in. I just have to settle down, is all. Don't worry. I'll be fine.
  • FitnessPalWorks
    FitnessPalWorks Posts: 1,128 Member

    actually the suggestion to weigh in when I want and report Saturday works
    I'll weigh Friday morning and use that number.

    how the **** is everyone today?

    I'm fabulous dahling, thank you for asking.... how the **** ***** and ****** are you doing today?

    I'm down 6 point something pounds, and rounded up that's a 7! Woot Woot! And I'm only on day 12, so that tells you how *kitten* t y I was eating before. OINK!!!!!
  • My first weigh in for a month... 112 lbs. Yuckiness.
  • barbiek999
    barbiek999 Posts: 176 Member

    Doing great, thanks for asking! Had a wonderful yoga class this morning and it's a beautiful day :)

    Weight yesterday: 129 - up 2 from last weekend and determined that this week will be better! (Darn Halloween candy was my weakness!)
  • Brewster1215
    Brewster1215 Posts: 247 Member
    Yesterday was my first day starting this lifestyle change (I refuse to think of it as a diet). I bought a scale on a whim while shopping.....and

    5' 9" 199.3 lbs

    Made me pissed at myself for letting myself get this way
  • zacksnana
    zacksnana Posts: 3,230 Member
    I am 189 which is also one up from last week so i need to do better this coming week!

    Anyone else around 5'6 at my weight with a goal of 140 ish?


    CW is 188
    GW is 140 ish
    Height is 5"6!

    WOOOO FRICKING WOOOOO!!!! Lil buddy from
    previous post better run like the wind. Run forrest run!! Two of us are chasing you!! And need i mention we are hungry???
  • arw644
    arw644 Posts: 6
    I started at 180 , now 166.6 with a goal of 140ish and I am 5'5.5 I think

    I'm pretty close to you! Same height, same goal weight, only I'm just starting. I'm about 170 right now
  • zacksnana
    zacksnana Posts: 3,230 Member
    I started at 180 , now 166.6 with a goal of 140ish and I am 5'5.5 I think

    I'm pretty close to you! Same height, same goal weight, only I'm just starting. I'm about 170 right now

    so three of us 5'6 superheroes will be chasing down two innocent little lambs.

    *sharpens knife and giggles!!*
  • zacksnana
    zacksnana Posts: 3,230 Member
    Dammit! I'm already behind you two! (says the tortoise, as she stealthily creeps up behind the two hares...).

    I'm 5'6 and 198.5 as of Saturday a.m., but I swear I'm AT LEAST 10 lbs of boob.

    GW is nowhere near 140 though. I truly am a big-boned girl (no excuses - I'm a linebacker!) an I pack a lot of muscle in my legs, so my GW is more like 160.

    Awesome!!! You have to catch us before we catch the other two! Ready... Set....

    Lol about your boobs!!