Saturday Weigh-in



  • swarovski75
    swarovski75 Posts: 195 Member
    I'm down 5.5 this week, which is way too big and a little disconcerting, but that is after three weeks of minimal loss, so I think my body is just making up for lost time.

    I've decided not to post my actual weight at weigh-in, because that still depresses me to look at. Maybe when I get a little further down the path...:-)
  • smokedragon97
    smokedragon97 Posts: 111 Member
    I thought I would take a shot at joining a group and see how it turned out.

    I'm a shorty at 5' 2", initially started at 186lbs. I'm down to 148lb today (sorry - I missed Sat), and my goal is 115lb.

    Lol, are their any other vertically challenged people in the group?

    146lb!! I dropped 2 lbs this week! Very surprising - especially since I pigged out on that no good, absolutely tasteless, shrimp fried rice that was supposed to be my treat that ended up being anything but... oh well, c'est la vie! But some progress is better than the dang gone plateau that I've been stuck on for the last month! I'll take it!! :bigsmile:
  • smokedragon97
    smokedragon97 Posts: 111 Member
    My weigh in as of Monday 10/22 was 146.6 lbs. My goal weight is 115 lbs (35 lb weight loss) as I am 5'3" with a small frame. i have dropped 4.2 lbs since I joined the site last week (my start weight was 150.8 lbs). i will be back here on Saturday! Good luck everybody!!!

    @SusannaDandan: Hey, you, Jasonsoulmate, and I are the shorty's of the group - and you and I are d*** near identical on the CW and GW. Sat weigh-in I was 148 and my GW is also 115 - Welcome to to group!! :bigsmile:


    Another shorty here - 5' 3.25". Started this MFP journey at 144 lbs, currently 129 and goal of 125 (medium frame) but hope to start more serious work outs soon so would be fine with the addition of some awesome muscle weigth:) Nice to have some company in the short stature department :)

    @barbiek999 Aloha!! Welcome to the group!! It's good to see us vertically challenged people are not such a minority after all; lol!!
  • smokedragon97
    smokedragon97 Posts: 111 Member
    Hey :) another shortie here 5' 2" haven't weighed in yet seeing how its only friday night here, but looking forward to seeing my progress tomorrow morning!

    @shantelbing: Aloha! Welcome to the group! Good luck!
  • smokedragon97
    smokedragon97 Posts: 111 Member
    Another 1.2 lost YAY!!!

    @ysk_: That's awesome - keep it up!!
  • smokedragon97
    smokedragon97 Posts: 111 Member
    So psyched! Stepped on the scale this morning to see that I now weigh 142.2 lbs! I lost 4.4 lbs since my last weigh in and I have lost 8.6 lbs so far!!! I am almost back to the weight I was after I lost 20 lbs last time and before I gained 10 lbs of the 20 back. This feels like a big accomplishment!

    @susannadandan: That is f***ing fabulous, girl! You are in the lead of the shorty group for sure. You'll be in that superhero outfit in no time! :smokin:
  • smokedragon97
    smokedragon97 Posts: 111 Member
    My weigh-in for 10/20 - is 305

    Fingers crossed because my goal for 10/27 is 303 :-)

    This week was truly a stressful one so i guess the extra minutes at the gym paid off :-)
    My weight for 10/27 is -3.........302, i succeeded on this weeks goal

    @beautifulneah: That is phenominal girl!! Keep it up! :bigsmile:
  • smokedragon97
    smokedragon97 Posts: 111 Member
    10/27/12- 172

    @ngcgurl03: Um... Is this a good weigh in toward your goal? Or a plateau? Bad?
  • smokedragon97
    smokedragon97 Posts: 111 Member
    No change for me this morning. It's disappointing, but oh well.

    @LifeofBrian78: Yes, plateaus can be frustrating, but they can be broken! Definitely don't give up!! We got your back!:wink:
  • smokedragon97
    smokedragon97 Posts: 111 Member
    today is 229.2 which is down but but my weight's been bouncing all over the place this week. I cant figure out what last Saturday's was. Anyway, my true test is over time. I tend to bounce the same 2-4 pounds up and down.

    @tiarew: Now that you have it posted, you can start tracking it once a week to see your progress. That way you can determine whether you need to work out more or make healthier food choices. The program here is a great one - it lets you monitor everything. You just have to make sure you log EVERYTHING, lol, even those 2 Hersey's kisses that you got from your co-workers desk because they have left over Halloween candy... :smile:
  • smokedragon97
    smokedragon97 Posts: 111 Member
    Still hovering right at 182. :grumble: Very slow progress here. Planning to try even harder next week!! I know it's my food choices for sure.

    @klamarius: What do they say? Slow and steady wins the race? Lol, no worries, you are still on the glidepath to success. Keep it up!! :bigsmile:
  • smokedragon97
    smokedragon97 Posts: 111 Member
    178 this morning, I've finally broken the 180 barrier! :bigsmile:

    @kaydana123: Awesome!!
  • smokedragon97
    smokedragon97 Posts: 111 Member
    137.3, down 1.5! Woohoo :)

    @todayIwill: And today you have! That is fabulous! Keep it up!
  • barbiek999
    barbiek999 Posts: 176 Member
    I thought I would take a shot at joining a group and see how it turned out.

    I'm a shorty at 5' 2", initially started at 186lbs. I'm down to 148lb today (sorry - I missed Sat), and my goal is 115lb.

    Lol, are their any other vertically challenged people in the group?

    146lb!! I dropped 2 lbs this week! Very surprising - especially since I pigged out on that no good, absolutely tasteless, shrimp fried rice that was supposed to be my treat that ended up being anything but... oh well, c'est la vie! But some progress is better than the dang gone plateau that I've been stuck on for the last month! I'll take it!! :bigsmile:

    I just gotta say "Awwwwesome job"! You've been so great to post all these great comments for everyone, I just wanted to make sure we celebrate your great success too! Way to go!

    I'm at 131.5 lbs today, up 2.5 pounds from last weekend (if my scale is to be trusted - it's very ancient and you can get it to change just by where you stand on it ;). I know I was off track last week. Definitely the over-calorie food choice and little exercise. Tomorrow marks the start of re-committing to my health, fitness and staying on track! Bring on the 30 Day Shred and great food choices!

    Thanks everyone, the support is so wonderful! We've got each others back - beautiful!
  • missemmapeel
    missemmapeel Posts: 69 Member
    I'm weighing in at 137.8, down 2.8 from last week and getting closer to my goal weight of 129! I don't expect all weeks to be as good as this one, but if I'm able to achieve my goal by Christmas I will be tickled pink :)
  • JasonsSoulMate
    JasonsSoulMate Posts: 115 Member
    @smokedragon.... have you taken on our personal cheer girl role? I love it!!! Go the power of the shorties!!
  • 187 today! Only 1 pound down but it's still something! :D
  • I'm weighing in at 137.8, down 2.8 from last week and getting closer to my goal weight of 129! I don't expect all weeks to be as good as this one, but if I'm able to achieve my goal by Christmas I will be tickled pink :)

    That is SO awesome. SO happy for you :D
  • I thought I would take a shot at joining a group and see how it turned out.

    I'm a shorty at 5' 2", initially started at 186lbs. I'm down to 148lb today (sorry - I missed Sat), and my goal is 115lb.

    Lol, are their any other vertically challenged people in the group?

    146lb!! I dropped 2 lbs this week! Very surprising - especially since I pigged out on that no good, absolutely tasteless, shrimp fried rice that was supposed to be my treat that ended up being anything but... oh well, c'est la vie! But some progress is better than the dang gone plateau that I've been stuck on for the last month! I'll take it!! :bigsmile:

    I just gotta say "Awwwwesome job"! You've been so great to post all these great comments for everyone, I just wanted to make sure we celebrate your great success too! Way to go!

    I'm at 131.5 lbs today, up 2.5 pounds from last weekend (if my scale is to be trusted - it's very ancient and you can get it to change just by where you stand on it ;). I know I was off track last week. Definitely the over-calorie food choice and little exercise. Tomorrow marks the start of re-committing to my health, fitness and staying on track! Bring on the 30 Day Shred and great food choices!

    Thanks everyone, the support is so wonderful! We've got each others back - beautiful!

    Good luck with your re-commitment! GO YOU!
  • 178 this morning, I've finally broken the 180 barrier! :bigsmile:

    @kaydana123: Awesome!!
