MelissaH0910 Member


  • This. I get adjustments 3 - 4 times a year for neck & lower back issues, but he's never mentioned any programs or toxins. Initially I was very skeptical about seeing a chiro at all, but he was very clear about what he could help with (my neck/back issues & maybe headaches) and what he couldn't (migraines, in my case) and…
  • [/quote]I'm curious to know how many of you people saying you'd throw away people's belonging or remove their stuff of a machine if they took to long in the bathroom actually would in real life. How many would be brave enough to touch someone's things not knowing what frame of mind that person is in and if they would…
  • This. I also get "Why do YOU go to the gym? You're already so skinny" a lot. It's annoying.
  • -I can lift heavier. Not much, mind you, but more & more each week. -The fat fold at the top of my knees is gone. -My legs & butt are noticeably firmer. -I'm starting to see definition in my arms & shoulders for the first time ever.
  • This is what I do, or at least I used to before insomnia started waking me up at 2 a.m. If my alarm was within reach, I'd hit snooze over & over & over again. Now that I'm always up before the a$$crack of dawn, I figure I might as well use the time to work out.
  • I started this week, and I'm in the same boat. Day 1 kicked my butt, day 2 was slightly (only slightly!) easier, and then I got sick and had to take yesterday & today off. Hope to feel good enough to do the total body circuit tomorrow morning. Feel free to add me!
  • Day 2 done. I like the speed workout better than yesterday's cardio. :)
  • I started this morning. Love the fact that it's only 25 minutes!
  • I dump a jar of salsa on mine, cover with foil & bake at 350 for about 30 minutes.
  • This, although I'm not a southerner.
  • I used it with good results a few years ago when I was in pt for a knee injury--it definitely helped stabilize my kneecap. That's my only experience with it, though.
  • I always forget Moxie Falls--I haven't been there in years. My mom is coming for a month-long visit for the birth of my 2nd grandchild (YAY!!) and she loves it there, so maybe we can sneak away for a day. My oldest granddaughter loves to go for long walks, so I'm thinking a 3-generation hike is in order. :happy:
  • This. I was just wondering why I never got the August issue in the I know. Guess I won't hold my breath waiting for a refund either.
  • I've also been told to increase my sodium intake because my body doesn't regulate my blood pressure correctly. It's already pretty low anyway, but three times I've had seizures & gone into shock because it dropped so low, and two of those times I almost didn't pull through. It did seem strange at first to be told to take…
  • Mt. Phillip in Belgrade/Rome is a popular hiking spot, and I'm sure there are plenty other places in this area--I just haven't checked them out yet. I've seen Mt. Phillip listed somewhere as an easy 10-minute hike. I didn't find it terribly difficult--as least one or two of the trails are kid-friendly, but it's definitely…
  • Thanks so much!! We've worked towards this for a long time, and it's exciting to see how close we are to opening. We haven't made it to Woodland Valley yet, but we've heard great things about the course & the owners, so hopefully we'll get there someday soon.
  • I'd love to have an answer to this, too. I tend to get them after a strenuous workout, but not every time. I've never been able to figure out a pattern. I do know that my exercise-related migraines are far worse than those triggered by my allergies or stress.
  • Hi all, I just stumbled across the group...hope it's ok that I joined! I've lived in Maine all my life with the exception of two years in RI when I was in college. I couldn't wait to get as far away as I could after high school, and then I couldn't get back here fast enough! I grew up in Waterville and now live in the…
  • I'm the facilities manager of a building of 200 +/- staff, and we have a dress code that prohibits going barefoot in the office, but people still do. Unfortunately, most of the managers/supervisors here are either afraid of their staff or they just don't want to deal with it, so they dump it on me to deal with. I've…
  • Last week I saw a guy riding his 10-speed bike wearing nothing but his tightie whities, a neck tie, sandals & socks and a fedora, singing his fool head off. My mother & I went to NYC for a long weekend when I was in high school. We went for a ride in a horse-drawn carriage and everything was great until we pulled up beside…
  • I'm 43, also with about 10 lbs to lose, and I only work out at home. I do strength training in my basement, and I walk/jog/hike/bike on the trails through our property. Feel free to add me if you'd like. :smile:
  • I lost 40 pounds about 6 years ago with only a stationary recumbent bike in my basement & a few different exercise videos. I've expanded my equipment selection a bit since then, but other than a 7 lb. gain, I've maintained my loss all these years without stepping foot in a gym.
  • To look smokin' hot in a bikini or pair of jeans. Also to have the energy to chase after my 2-year old granddaughter and a second one due in September. I'm fairly young to be a grandma (43) and I'm not ready to look or act like one!
  • I set my alarm for 3:45 a.m., I'm up by 4 & in my gym or heading out for a run by 4:15. I work 50 - 55 hours a week, and hubby & I are in the process of getting a business up and running, so time is very tight. There are many days--like today--that I have to force myself out of bed, but I do it because if I don't, I won't…
  • I make a chicken salad with wild rice, green grapes, cashews, water chestnuts and a little mayo. It's great on a bed of lettuce or baby spinach leaves or in a multi-grain wrap, or even by itself.
  • Outside. I'm fortunate enough to own 50+ acres of land that's full of trails, so I can run to my little heart's content without ever leaving home. Plus, I usually start my run between 4 & 4:15 a.m., so it's very peaceful. I get to watch the wildlife while I run and enjoy the sunrise while I'm doing my cool-down &…
  • I had to stop after day 6 of level one because of a pulled groin muscle--did that while doing some heavy work outside. It's finally starting to feel better, so I'm going to give it another couple of days, then pick back up again. Even though it's been over a week, I'm not starting from day one again, I'll probably do 3 or…
  • Five days down, five to go.
  • Worry about form first, then work on keeping up. You're more likely to get hurt if your form is off. I really need to focus on this myself...I always have to fight the urge to keep up when I'm following a video.
  • I've lost 1.8 lbs since I weighed myself last Friday. Weight loss isn't really my goal, and I'm really, really bad at logging everything I eat, so I was surprised to see a drop this morning.