jwuornii Member

No bueno that newsfeed is gone


  • Great job! Keep up the good work and nice time!
  • I too have PCOS. I got diagnosed with it 17 years ago now. Wow, just realized it's been that long! I've had the most success with low carb, but as I've gotten older I find there is less and less room for moderation. Thankfully I've been able to change my lifestyle and it's gotten much easier over the last few years. I had…
  • I'm also new to MFP and have a 2 year old and an 8 month old. I also was doing a kettlebell class and getting really strong when I found out I was pregnant! The class I was taking is gone now, but thanks for reminding me about it. I loved it and must find one again!
  • Congratulations, that's fantastic! I run my first real 5k race on Thanksgiving. Great to see a similar story!
  • This is great! Everyone looks amazing. Great job!