Post pregnancy weight loss

Hello all! I am 32 and have two sons, one 5 years and the other almost 3 months. I will admit there was quite a bit of weight before my most recent pregnancy but now I am trying my best to get back on track. With my first pregnancy, I lost all but 10 pounds. Then a couple years later I lost a baby and went through a depression spell that added about 30 more pounds. I finally snapped out of it and began my weight loss journey with dieting and a kettlebell routine. I was down about 10 pounds before fining out I was pregnant again. I am now at a weight I am very uncomfortable with and have began my weight loss attempt again. I started about a two months ago but only started using the myfittnesspal app two weeks ago. I intend on starting my kettlebells and cardio routine once I get my weight down a little more. I walk and keep busy almost all day so that is helping me for right now. Hopefully I can find some friends that will keep me motivated and focused!


  • lapointek208
    Good for you! I am pregnant now, and have been using this tool on and off to make sure I am eating enough (in the first trimester when I was losing weight) or not too much (now, when I seem to be gaining really quickly!).

    I wanted to ask about your kettlebell routine. I have a set of kettlebells, but have never been really sure what to do with them. Do you take a class or use a video? Would you have any suggestions for a good beginning video or exercise plan?

    Good luck! This is my first pregnancy, and it really is terrifying how your body starts to morph into something completely different, and almost totally out of your control, so I can anticipate how frustrating and difficult it will be to try to get back on track once the baby comes.
  • shytrevoak
    shytrevoak Posts: 95 Member
    I'm also new to MFP and also trying to lose baby weight. My second is now almost 3 months as well. Feel free to add me! :)
  • jwuornii
    jwuornii Posts: 5 Member
    I'm also new to MFP and have a 2 year old and an 8 month old. I also was doing a kettlebell class and getting really strong when I found out I was pregnant! The class I was taking is gone now, but thanks for reminding me about it. I loved it and must find one again!
  • cengage13
    cengage13 Posts: 4 Member
    lapointek208: here's the basics:
    It really doesn't seem all that difficult but if done properly you will feel it the next day.
    I made the mistake of trying the Kettleworx program and was disappointed. It's just the same recorded moves spliced together in different order. Very dull. I found out that my local YMCA offers kettlebell classes and will probably go to those and start with the beginners class.
  • chigau_me
    I'm losing baby weight too! Just started in October :) Add me if you want :)
  • mom2gnt
    Hi there! I would love to have you as a friend on MFP - we are in the same boat!

    I started MFP two years ago when a friend of mine (who lost 132 lbs!) showed me the app. I's an amazing way to stay in line!

    I just had baby #3 seven weeks ago and am starting to get back into a routine to lose weight. I have quite a bit of motivation this time around - I need the extra energy REALLY BAD!

    My first kid I had at 19 and bounced back into my pre-preggo clothes within just a few weeks. My second I was 28 with and it was quite a bit more difficult (I carried an additional 20 lbs around until getting preggo with #3 at the age of 32!). Now, I weigh 7 weeks post partum what I did going into the hospital to give birth with my first! YIKES!

    I have a goal weight in mind (about 150 seems good and healthy for me...) but I have to remember that it isn't the weight, it's how FIT you are that makes the difference. It took many years to figure that one out!

    I'm definitely more self concious about my body this time around because I'm so heavy (and VERY flabby in my arms and tummy). I told my husband that I feel horribly unattractive and am suprised he still wants to... ahem... you know... but he said all that stuff I'm worried about is what got him his kids - so he loves that about me. (Very sweet husband! I'm super lucky!)

    Anyway - I'm rambling... sorry about that!