skinneemee79 Member


  • Not sure "how allergic" you are to these fruits, but will tell you what I figured out about myself. I have always eaten carrots, never had a problem until a couple years ago. I ate some and my throat started to itch like crazy. I found a few other veggies and fruits do that now. I did some "internet research" and found…
  • I usually have trouble after 9pm...thank god I am only usually up till 11pm! I eat the sugar free jello with some canned whipped cream. Also I found that cheetos puffcorn is only 160 calories for around 50 pieces. I think that since you get to eat so many you kind of fool yourself into thinking you had enough! I dropped my…
  • Thanks everyone! I was at 1200 calories and burning about 500 a day, so was eating about 1700 calories a day. I decided this week I would eat 1400 calories and not eat back what I was burning. I eat every couple of hrs. I try to eat mostly filling foods with good values. I really don't feel hungry, but if I do, I try to…
  • I must have had a great one. I had it done around 6 years ago and although I couldn't do it on my own, I joined weight watchers and lost 40lbs without any issues or cheating. I joined a couple years ago again and COULDNT do it! I really think it helped me stay on track!
  • I hear ya! I didn't feel like I was getting anywhere either so I started taking measurements also and that made me realize that its slow, but something is happening. I don't walk, I ride a stationary bike and was reading up on the best way to burn fat and it said to do interval training(this works for all cardio). This is…
  • The past couple of years I know the website shows full profiles for the contestants, including their heights. I haven't checked this year, but have in the past to know if I was really "that fat!"
  • I know that the website has an amount they want you to stay within...but I always read that protein was fantastic for weight loss and actually helps aid in weight loss as long as it is lean. I try to watch my fat and carbs and stay within the allowed amount, but I do not worry about my protein. I don't understand why it's…
  • Depending on how many calories you are set at a day, you might not be getting enough. I have mine set at 1200, but I usually burn around 500 during a workout. If I didn't count that and eat to make up for it, I would only consume 700 calories a day. That is not enough to function normally and your body will go into…
    in Help! Comment by skinneemee79 March 2011
  • You need to eat. I am set at 1200 calories a day. If I do nothing all day, no exercise or anything, I need to get 1200 calories of food in my body. If I burn 400 additional calories during exercise, then I need to eat 1600 calories. If you eat too few your body will go into starvation mode and you will not lose and if you…
  • I know when I was on weight watchers 5 years ago as you lost weight your points went down, which meant your calories went down. I think you need less as you weigh less, but I have also heard to never go under 1200 calories.
  • Hello! First I want to tell you not to give up! I read your post and I relate to all of it! I have been trying to lose weight for 15 yrs. I joined weight watchers in 2004 and lost 30lbs and I felt great, but the cost was too much and I had to quit and then shortly after I got pregnant with my first daughter. After having…