

  • Where did you find these noodles?? I've been looking for them for months to no avail!
  • Well I just thought I'd let everyone know that I have decided to CONTINUE DRINKING COFFEE! Haha. Except from now on I will forgo the sugar-free syrups and artificial sweeteners because I always end up regretting adding them later... Thanks for all the replies and information! :)
  • What really helped me was just saying to myself, "You can do this. It's not as hard as you're making it seem." Because really, when you think about it, you're doing this for yourself. You want to look good, feel good, and be healthier, and no one is making you eat anything that will impede your progress (well... most of…
  • I would just buy a bulk bag of mixed nuts! Every kind of nut has its different health benefits, so eating a variety every day will keep you healthier. Plus, mixed nuts are friggin' delicious. Haha. Maybe throw some dried fruit and sunflower seeds in there as well to make a makeshift trail mix?
  • I usually mix caramel and vanilla together. I'm also a fan of hazelnut!
  • Peanut butter, plain and simple. I can't tell you how many nights I've come home at one in the morning, grabbed a spoon, and went to town. I had to ask my parents to stop buying it... haha.
  • One of my favorite ways to eat Greek yogurt is as a dip for a cut up apple! In a half cup of yogurt, mix a little bit of sweetener (I generally use Splenda) and a serving of ground flaxseed (which is generally 2 tbsp or 14g, depending on how you measure). The flaxseed coupled with the sweetener makes an interesting flavor…
  • Thanks for the responses guys! I was getting a little overwhelmed thinking about the nutritional aspect, but I think I was making it more complicated than it needed to be. I will just watch my calorie intake, get lots of protein, and avoid fat and junk food. I'm excited to get started!
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