

  • I definitely think it'll start with just buying healthy choices. She's young enough that she won't be buying her own groceries, so she'll end up being forced to eat healthier food. At the same time, depending on her personality, talking about weight COULD be a good idea. Not in a negative way, but asking her about her self…
  • I buy the 100 calorie snack packs. They control my portions, I get my junkfood fix, and they have NO preparation time. Sure, maybe not the HEALTHIEST choice, but the pros definitely outweigh the cons to me.
  • Could definitely explain why I like Ricki's so much...
  • That's awesome!!! Good for you! I cant wait till I get there too!!!
  • I just started on Monday, and I'm having a great time! I kinda make it a game in my mind "let's see how I can eat to stay within the calorie count" and stuff...I'm kinda lame that way, but WAY excited and motivated as well! I wish you luck! You can do it!!!
  • Good for you! Self control in those situations are always so tough for me! I need some of YOUR will power! haha. Plus, it's alright to give yourself a little treat every so often!