markpom Member


  • If you are concerned about your cholesterol then you should look into getting bloodwork taken with a full blood lipid panel done. It all depends on how your body produces and processes cholesterol, and you do not know without data.
  • Your body produces its own cholesterol, on top of what you get when you eat. You can have bad cholesterol even if your diet is good based on your genetics. It wouldnt hurt to have a full blood lipid panel done as well because everyone has a different profile of cholesterol. Having a lot of LDL cholesterol particles…
    in cholesterol Comment by markpom June 2014
  • Try keeping the pills in the fridge/freezer. They will not dissolve until they get further through your intestines and may stop the burp odor.
  • Be careful, it is easy to get injured running when you are overweight. Shin splints, pulled muscles, etc. It is better to start slow. I worked my way up to running a 10 miler last year and I had a couple of false starts when I got injured and needed to take a couple of weeks off to recover each time I got hurt.