

  • I'm reusing the idea I had for my very first NaNo. I thought at first that I could just start where I left off at around 25k words and take it to 75k, but the darn story just decided it wanted an entire new facelift. Looks like I'll be starting from page 1 now. I've actually been following this great thing I read about the…
  • I always find it very intriguing and scary how little control I have over my characters some time. Little buggers just get a mind of their own occasionally. I tell them to zig and they just insist on zagging the entire time. XD
  • Hello everyone! I've just recently joined MFP (just recently as in....oh....5 minutes ago) and was roaming around the boards for my little niche when I stumbled across this group! I'm really looking forward to this years NaNo. This will be my third, and although I've yet to be successful, I've never gotten discouraged.…
  • Hello, this is actually my first post on myfitnesspal. I just joined and was browsing around to see if I could find anything that interested me. The biggest thing upcoming that I'm looking forward to is NaNo. This will be my third time attempting it. The first time I hit somewhere in the 25k mark, and last year I had just…
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