zoerunsfaster Member


  • Take a break from insanity - dont bin it just yet! Try P90x - it's easier to modify to protect your knees, and is a great alternative. It's more about building strength than cardio, but has a much more relaxed pace that I enjoy when I can't face Shaun t and his manic warm ups first thing in the morning. Do give your knee…
  • Oh, and as far as food is concerned, I don't eat before AM exercise, and I have lunch at 1.30 so don't need a snack before shorter runs. If the Friday run is going to be longer than 60 mins I may have a banana and a tea with sugar in 20 mins before I go.
  • I actually find it easier to stick to an exercise routine when I'm at school because I'm in more of a daily routine. I basically have two potential exercise slots a day - very first thing at 6am (before the kids get up) when I tend to do a DVD. This really sets me up for the day and gets it out the way, but can increase my…
  • Find something to replace some of it. Have a couple of squares then something else as well. It may take you a while to find something suitable - for me, it's full fat Greek yoghurt mixed with nuts and berries. I don't need much, but that's the only thing I've found that feels indulgent enough but is still healthy.obviously…
  • I went on to p90x which is hardcore but I'm loving it! I'm on week 3 so first rest week this week. I still do the shred if I'm away from home, but add sprints or shuttle runs in instead of her cardio as it ups the intensity.