Hey Y’all! I’m back after being gone for a few years. I obviously need to be here! So let the other obsession begin.
Instant sugar free oatmeal and a banana. Turkey sausage patty one egg and shredded cheese on a bagel thin.
I am having one of those mom moments. You know the obnoxious one up in the stands screaming " THATS MY KID"!!!!!!! LOVE YOU KELL!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM SOOOOOO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!!!
Would love to join this. Can't wait!!!
Hi Name is Shelley and I am 43 and just started this Aug 1. I have three grown children and married for 24 years. Feel free to add me.
Just do as much as you can and keep pushing yourself to go a little bit further and keep doing research. On the web and also on this site. You will gain information and alter your plan as you go. Log your food as well. I am no expert but a mom of three grown kids that just wanted to get healthy not only for them but for…
I don't mind eating the same thing everyday for a week or two but would have to switch it up now and then. Just trying to get healthier and lose lots of weight. I just don't have a clue what I am doing.
I don't need to cut out processed. Just need/want to cut way back on them.
Awesome! Thanks. Please keep me in mind for the future.
I will be cooking for the week on Sunday's. As long as it takes. I am an average cook. Born and raised on Meat, potato and basic veggies. Not afraid to branch out. As a matter of fact I kind of enjoy it. The only thing I can't eat is sea food.
245.6 this morning.
I pretty much knew that people were going to say I needed to eat more. I really need some suggestions and critiquing on the diet. Not sure if what I am doing is fine and just need to eat more of the same things or if I need to eat differently.
Are the types of food I am eating good? What other ideas for food would you suggest and when? I really don't feel like I am hungry. And Currently I am working out mostly at night. Do you think it might be beneficial to do mornings and night? Thanks
Absolutely!!! I would love to join.
Hi I had been smoking for about 30 years and started having issues breathing and wheezing at night. My kids were just moving out on their own. I lost my job and soon lost our home to for closure. We now live in a rental house. You know how people are always talking about how much smoking costs? Well I added up the cost of…