If you're strict with your food you're still going to lose fat(doesn't look like because of the water retention), but in my experience, the prednison makes you hungry as F***.
smoke a spliff and eat some healthy chinese food
for sure !
That's a lie, pretty woman don't poop.
Dat *kitten* :)
I'll never drop the soap
I only be sure i get enough fibers for the micro-nutrients, the rest will be too much to log properly lol
you're at 270lbs right? so you still have to lose a lot of weight wich means you need to start at a higher intake then recommended. imagine if you've lost 50lbs and you reach a plateau, then what are you going to do? lower calories again? at a new plateau, lower again? nah that ain't gonna work... you need some space to…
Get the cheapest multivit that fits you... they are not going to make a significant difference. And did you already tried glucosamine for joint/tendon problems? works fine by me
no by xmas, but having a huge party on new years eve, so i have a bit of a target weight for that period
this is what works everyday: "let's go!"
looking in the mirror and saying: today gonna be a good day!
my gym is closed on christmas :( think i'm going for a run or something
@dhiraj true that lol
take a diet break, eating 2-4 weeks around maintenance will do the trick!
google for 'the woosh effect'