I'm lost, what do I need to change?!

aggghhh, how did I put on .4lb?! :grumble:

I am at 130lb, I have lost a fair amount and fell pretty comfortable but I was aiming for 126lb (or less in im honest)

I have been eating 1,200 calories a day and walking about 3miles a day (i do eat the calories i 'gain' back from exercise). I know I shouldn't obsess over a number but I cant help it. I did eat at my inlaws one day this week but I cant see how that would have impacted the whole week.

I don't know maybe my body is happy at this weight and I should focus on toning.

What do you think? Any pointers or advice would be appreciated.

Thanks :smile:

Thanks for the quick replies everyone.
I actually only put on 0.4lbs, sorry i didn't make that very clear.

I am hoping that it is water weight from my time of the month (tmi sorry).

Some people I have spoken to have suggested I am not eating enough calories, what do you think? Carry on with 1,200cals or increase them?


  • wendycat1cats
    wendycat1cats Posts: 2 Member
    Hello :)

    I would stick to it for at least another week, it might come off next week. i often find that it comes off the week after a good week. X
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    4 pounds can be a fluctuation. Many factors. Maybe you are carrying some water weight. Maybe you're getting your period. Don't stress over it. Give it more time.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    Do your in-laws use a lot of salt when they cook? 4 lbs could be water retention.
  • google for 'the woosh effect'
  • g33kmommy
    g33kmommy Posts: 104 Member
    Hello! :)

    How often do you weigh yourself? That might help figure out where that silly 4lbs came from. I only weigh myself once a week to get a more accurate number. I used to weigh myself once a day but the fluctuations caused me to get demotivated so I stopped.

    Your diet looks really good, I looked at your diary. Your sodium and sugar levels are never at a bad limit, so that shouldn't be it. Normally eating a good amount of calories but way too much sodium can cause you to retain water.

    Keep at it, and don't let it get you down. :)
  • alanlmarshall
    alanlmarshall Posts: 587 Member
    It could be a temporary fluctuation. Wait a week or two more and see if the gain persists before you change anything.

    At least one person will come here and say you have gained because you need to eat more, not bothering to notice that you eat back exercise calories. Even if you were undereating, that is hooey. Ignore it.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    go have a big coffee. wait.
  • katierose67
    katierose67 Posts: 16 Member
    Don't worry! you have done really well! I have just put on a kilogram. Just keep going and your weight will become stable. I, too, need to lose about 3 pounds more, at the least!
  • reddaddie
    reddaddie Posts: 121 Member
    My wife has lost over a hundred pounds and this happens to her occasionally. it seems to happen as her body is toning up after losing some. that's when the NSVs are apparent jeans fit better skin tightens up etc.
  • xRiverX
    xRiverX Posts: 149 Member
    Do you ever have a blow out day?Im just about to finish one,its where you have been eating 1200 cals like yourself then one out the blue you eat 2400 cals.

    I usually eat 1800 cals and im 2.6lbs off my goal weight and couldnt sleep much last night so today was a free day meaning I eat till im satisfied, after today I will have eaten 3600 cals then ill go back to 1800 tomorrow.The reason is Metabolism! this is responsible for weight loss fat loss etc etc

    Happy eating :)
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    I wouldn't stress over it. Having a look at your diary, it seems that everything is in check! It could just be a weight fluctuation. That's why it's always good to weigh in at the same time each week(or each weigh in).

    Keep up your awesome work!
  • Catlady87
    Catlady87 Posts: 302 Member
    Well done on getting so close to your goal weight!
    One possible cause could be your time of the month. Only you will know if that is a possibility but some women have had gains of up to 5lbs and even more at their time of the month.
    It could also be that as you've lost weight you're needs have changed. Maybe you need more calories or need to do more exercise.
    I'm just guessing as it could be anything or a combination of factors, but I wouldn't worry too much. The less you stress the better. Just keep doing what you're doing and I'm sure you'll be back on track before you know it
  • sez8288
    sez8288 Posts: 17 Member
    Well done on getting so close to your goal weight!
    One possible cause could be your time of the month. Only you will know if that is a possibility but some women have had gains of up to 5lbs and even more at their time of the month.
    I think you may be right, I have the contraceptive implant and have erratic cycles.
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    0.4lb?!?! LOLWOT

  • sez8288
    sez8288 Posts: 17 Member
    0.4lb?!?! LOLWOT


    Yeah i know its not a lot but it is still frustrating when I have been working my butt off all week
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    You do realize that's only six and a half ounces?

    Go pee and weigh yourself again. The only thing you need to change is your expectations that weight loss is linear.
  • tebreiner
    tebreiner Posts: 7 Member
    You do realize that's only six and a half ounces?

    Go pee and weigh yourself again. The only thing you need to change is your expectations that weight loss is linear.

    I was thinking the same thing, point four,4 tenths of a pound, my hair weights more than that.
    I believe you have found your way, your here with us.
    We are very proud of your accomplishments.
  • baptiste565
    baptiste565 Posts: 590 Member
    .4lbs weight gain=skinny girl problems lol
  • katierose67
    katierose67 Posts: 16 Member

    I'm 7 pounds off my target weight and I just cannot lose it! Please give me any tips at all that worked for you - I'd try anything!

  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    .4?!! Ummm - no need to hit the panic button. You know weight fluctuations are completely normal right? .4 is nothing at all.