dnmoorer Member


  • More people should definitely add this girl. Greatest weight loss buddy EVER!!! ;-)
  • That is great that you had motivation from a different source but there are plenty of people who were motivated from the biggest loser. The average person who loses at home deals with gaining it back. Plenty of them do it. Why should biggest loser contestants be any different??? The show will never be able to eliminate the…
  • Hate the show. Love the show. Doesn't matter. Nobody is forcing anybody to watch it. I have a problem with the notion that these people are failures because they didn't do it at home. Frankly it is irresponsible. Everyone is a failure before they are a success. Unless you are privileged person who gets things handed to…
  • Love the biggest loser. And think the original poster and those that agree with him are completely missing what is important. These people are getting healthy. Who are ya'll to judge these people? Losing weight is very hard especially if you grew up overweight with a history of bad habits. Saying they should of done this…
  • I eat one 100 calorie sweet a day around lunchtime or early afternoon when my metabolism is the highest... I think. lol Anyway it made it easy to stay away from the cupcakes in the breakroom. I just work it into my calorie allotment. I don't deprive myself even a day and I have lost 20 pounds in a month and a half.
  • Awesome application of the motto!!!!