mas_unlimited Member


  • I try to be active with it. My apologies Mirna_ayala73. I have been on MFP more lately....but there doesn't appear much interest so my posts have wained.....
  • Went and got a hair cut today. I think I like the new style better than the last hair cut. It is whispy on the sides.
  • Monday, September 21 Keep hold of the weak, be patient with everybody.—1 Thess. 5:14, “An American Translation.” Rather than quickly giving up on the weak, let us “keep hold” of them, as it were, and continue supporting them. In the past, Jehovah dealt patiently with those of his servants who at times were discouraged. For…
  • Maine General has some good classes. There is a link off this link I am providing.
  • Here is the first one I found interesting. It is off the site.
  • Thursday, September 17 Instruct me, O Jehovah, in your way.—Ps. 27:11. At each Israelite Passover, important lessons would be emphasized, passed on by father to son. One was that Jehovah could protect his worshippers. The children learned that he is not some vague, abstract deity. Jehovah is a real, living God who is…
  • Sorry, I have not been on in a while guys, I will try to make a better, stronger commitment. On a good note, I have been working on my flower garden and have been burning some sweat. Currently working on my foot path and mulch for this next spring. What a mess the flower garden was.
  • Your body is going to go into starvation mode if you go too low on the calories. If you are exercising, your body needs the calories to a point so that it will function normally and not hoard calories. Balance is needed. Try keeping up the exercise but maybe go to a 1300 or 1400 calorie diet.
  • Even better, take your daughter with you to the store and check out all the big girl panties and let her choose some that she likes and get her all hyped up about going home and trying them on....oh what a big girl she will be.
  • I am sorry to hear you are having such problems. I have two girls and one boy. I must say for me the boy was harder. But what worked for me, and believe me I have tried several different things, is to buy underwear with their favorite cartoon on them or at least a cartoon they like, like dora panties. Take a weekend, In…