

  • You can google 'taste' and check out some low carb recipes, there is a yummy Moroccan lamb one! I eat salads with nuts, olive oil, cheese and eggs, oh and avocado! Make things like steaks with creamy sauces, tacos in lettuce, burgers without the bread etc! Good snacks are almonds, kabana and cheese etc. each week I make…
  • I don't think anyone here is trying to convince OP about the magical properties of keto and how it defies science, we're just giving anecdotal evidence of what works for us. We've encouraged them to do the same (find what works for them). I know people seem to think ketoers are just making life hard for themselves but…
  • I do it! The first time my husband suggested it I wanted to punch him in the face, now I love it!! I'm not entirely sure it makes the metabolism faster but I know it helps me with water retention, therefore it could mimic a weight loss super food! I just like the taste, the fresh feeling and it just fixes so many things!
  • What about more protein? I don't have much to add except that I easily eat 100-120gm of protein per day and I am fairly inactive and I don't support much muscle mass. I've been dieting and not losing any of my strength in lifting. So I guess maybe check out some protein intake guidelines for your activity level? I follow…
  • I think you just need to see what works for you! I do keto as well, low carb, moderate protein and high fat with some carb cycling. But that works for me because I just cannot regulate and restrict myself on a deficit if I'm eating moderate-high carbs, it makes me hungry all the time! This way I can eat whatever indulgent…
  • All the other responses are great, but I just wanted to say it's not all that uncommon really! Up until recently I always weighed more than my husband. And even now that I'm at my lowest weight ever we'd still only weigh the same if he hadn't coniously been trying to gain weight and muscle! Let's face it, most guys who…
  • Hey ladies! I had my little man at the start of this year and started getting serious about exercise and food in August! Different to you guys though, I was always overweight pre preggo size 14, and now at 165 and size 10 for the first time in my adult life! Still got 10 or so pounds to go though! But what worked really…
  • Hoping I don't get thread bashed here for suggesting a diet over a 'lifestyle change', but what works for me is being intentional for 6 weeks at a time then taking a good break and eating maitenance for 2 weeks. I've lost 20 kgs this way( most of it prior to mfp). Find something that works, allow yourself 2 cheat meals per…