

  • I started doing it twice a day on Monday and i've already lost 1/4" off of my hips, 1/4" off of each arm and off of each thigh, as well! I use 2 lb weights. I'm loving it!!! Feel free to add me for motivation! I don't have a before and after photo, since i've just started 3 days ago, but when i do, i'll post!!
  • You might be just more fit than the rest of us. It's not quite as challenging as i thought it would be, either...but, i've lost 1 1/4" off of my body in the first 3 days of doing it...granted, i do it twice a day, but it's working for me! I can't wait to see my end results! Maybe try doing level 2 first, or get 6 week 6…
  • I had my son 7 months ago, and gained alot of weight/excess skin. I'm right there with ya, girl! Use PrepH to help with saggy skin and do Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred!! I've been doing it since monday, twice a day, and i've already lost 1/4" off my hips, 1/4" off of each upper arm and 1/4" off of each thigh! In TWO…
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