

  • Good idea! I like the fun dollar store stuff idea. Thankfully we don't get alot of trick or treaters. The temptation is hard!
  • I know! Can you imagine if I had stuck to the 2,390 calories? :sad: I'm glad I did check it, otherwise I would have pretty much been clueless. I have 776 calories left today. I caved and had a Clif Kids Z Bar (chocolate of course!).
  • I have bakes chicken left over from last night. I can steam up broccoli (my daughters fave veggie) as a side. I can possibly even add some quinoa too! Wondering if GNC fiber supplement adds calorie. I have to look, that stuff is amazing. I'm excited, and heartened to find this site! I hope I can get the phone app soon-then…
  • Madholm!! Thanks to your tip, I solved a serious typo in my profile. Yay!! Thanks, I am ever so grateful.
  • Get ready to laugh. I had the counter set at *GAIN 1/2 a POUND A WEEK!* Seriously? Yes. I completely missed that. I have it re-set, it's now at: Your Daily Goal 1,890 calories/ day Sigh of relief. So far I only have 900 calories left. Looks like salad with roast chicken for dinner, and an apple snack :) You guys weight…
  • Thank you madholm! I signed up my husband as a hoot, he's 5'9" and weighs 195. He is medium built, lots of muscle! We added 185 as his goal, and put him as active (he's a warehouse foreman). The calories? 2090! -250 for daily deficit. I am totally redoing my profile as sedentary.
  • Aha!! I found the part where it says calories burned. I need to burn 2,140 calories/day
  • I think my head just imploded. That's alot of info! I'm not sure what to think...I appreciate the pointers! I need to get familiar with all the tools on this site. I did not see on my home board what I need to burn daily to get to my goals.
  • I am 5' 4" and weigh 206 Not sedentary, I stand alot, and walk a fair bit. I run around after my 6 year old. We walked to school today, 6 blocks + 70 stairs up & down. I have to walk up several hills to get back home. About a 6-% grade in some places! I can power up the stairs if I stop once. I'm a newbie, not sure what…