

  • I would love to punch the inventor of the Big Tasty at McDonalds for making it so big and so damn tasty. The sauce alone should be against the law.
  • Oh, I just remembered and I don't know if this is any help but when I am watching tv and an ad break comes on then I do jumping jacks till the show is back on. Every little bit helps, right?
  • Have you tried charting your progress? I find that lists or posters usually help me. You can make a motivation board and give yourself a goal or treat to work towards. Maybe cut out magazine pictures and make a collage ( to keep motivated) and when you have done a certain amount of consecutive work outs then treat yourself…
  • I have always been addicted to food. My fathers side of the family are all obese and I always just accepted that I was going to be big too but I changed my mind set and just because I have a big stature does not mean I have to be fat as well. I refuse to look like Shrek. I suppose the last straw for me was a combination of…
  • Salaam alaykom everyone. My name is Nasreen and I am from South Africa. I am a revert too and reverted just after September 11th.I am married to my best friend in the whole world, Noureddine who is from Morocco. He is so supportive and really wants me to do well. He cares about my health as well as my deen and that is what…
  • Okay, I do not want to be negative but I wonder if some one can help with this. I made this water and it tasted great. The only problem was that I finished the water and filled it and finished that but I noticed my throat got REALLY dry. Later that night I could not sleep. My throat felt like sand paper and so itchy. No…
  • I love Nando's and eat there at least once a week but they are so expensive. Woolies has great snacks which helps because I am constantly looking for healthy snacks that are not fruit or veggies. My go-to is provita with tuna, low fat laughing cow wedge (only one per 4 provita, ) and sliced cucumber on top. Or just provita…
  • I am starting to look like Freddy Kruger attacked my belly. I am using bio oil twice a day and it helps with the itching a bit which has become frustrating and painful. The cocoa butter sounds really good though so I will try alternating the two. My friend also said that scratching is really bad for stretchmarks as well.…
  • What if you eat healthy the whole week and throw in one starvation day here or there only once in a while?